选中 无线 框后,连接箭头将被设置为不可见。
You can also make the connection wireless via the canvas. Select the connection on the canvas, right-click, and select Make Connection Wireless.
Use the "..." button to customize the color of the connection line. This customization option can improve workflow readability, documentation, and overall workflow organization. Please note that this is a workflow-level setting and it overrides your connection color settings in User Settings > Themes > Connection Settings. Custom connection colors don't work in Designer versions prior to 24.2 but will not break your workflows.
You can also change the connection color via the canvas. Select one or more connections on the canvas, right-click, and select Change Connection Color.
编号 :字段在表中显示的数字顺序。
名称 :数据字段的名称。
类型 :字段中包含的数据类型。
大小 :字段的长度。
源 :包含该字段所源自的工具或文件。它可能还包含其他元信息,如插件中的特定数据集。报告元信息的工具包括 “Allocate 输入”工具 、 “Allocate 附加”工具 、 CASS 工具 、 “街道地理编码器”工具 、 R 工具 和计算行驶时间的工具,如 “交易区域”工具 、 “距离”工具 和 “查找最近项”工具 。
Description: Demographic tools like the Allocate Input tool and the Allocate Append tool include the full variable name in the description field, indicating the origin of a particular field.