除了通过 Alteryx Marketplace 下载,您现在可以直接通过 Alteryx Designer 下载并安装 Alteryx 制作的数据连接器工具和附加组件。
要直接通过 Designer 下载和安装 Alteryx 数据连接器和其他附加组件,请按照以下步骤操作:
在 Designer 中,转至 附加组件 > 管理 Marketplace 插件(Beta 版) 以打开 Marketplace 插件 窗口。
找到要安装的附加组件或连接器工具。您可以根据需要使用 搜索 栏,也可以选择 名称 列按字母顺序对工具列表进行排序。找到附加组件后,使用克拉图标展开并查看描述、上传日期、当前版本以及 Alteryx Marketplace 的链接。
选择 安装 按钮以下载附加组件。如果您之前安装了该附加组件,按钮文本将显示为 更新 。请注意,在 Beta 版中,此“更新”按钮目前不起作用。
You can install multiple add-ons at the same time. Select the Install or Update buttons on multiple add-ons to queue up the installs. Once the first installation finishes, the next add-on installation process starts.
Updating an Add-On
If you previously installed an add-on, you can download a new version via the Update button if it is available. It's important to note that this action doesn't overwrite the existing add-on. Rather, it downloads a separate new version in addition to any previous versions you might already have installed.
Additionally, this update capability only identifies add-ons that have an update if they were installed through the Marketplace Add-Ons window in Designer. If you installed an add-on YXI manually, it won't show an update option through the Marketplace Add-Ons window (even if an update is available).
选择“安装”后,安装程序窗口将启动。您可以在这里获取一些元数据,包括 类别 、 版本 、 作者 和 描述 。
选择 安装 继续操作,或选择 取消 返回上一个窗口。请注意,当以管理员身份运行 Designer 时,管理员可以为所有用户安装附加组件。
安装完成后,选择 关闭 以返回“Marketplace 插件”窗口。
您的组织可能制定了相应策略,以限制用户下载到其计算机的能力。如果您遇到这种情况,您可以从 Designer 中移除附加组件菜单,这样用户就无法从 Alteryx Marketplace 访问和下载项目。按照以下步骤移除附加组件菜单:
并保存 RuntimeSettings.xml 文件。重新启动 Designer,附加组件菜单即无法再访问。要再次启用菜单,请重复上述过程并将该值设置回
In the initial 2024.1 release, please note that only the most recent version of the tool is available for installation via Designer. If you need to install an older version of one of the below tools, go to the tool's page on Alteryx Marketplace.
Additionally, with the 2024.1 release, Alteryx has upgraded its version of Python to v3.10.13 (previously v3.8.16). Some tools might not be immediately updated to be compatible with the Python upgrade. If you try to use an older version of a tool (downloaded directly from Marketplace) with Designer 2024.1, you might encounter problems. Go to the Python 3.10 Upgrade FAQ for up-to-date information.
As of the 2024.2 release, the Marketplace Add-Ons window in Designer allows you to install only add-ons compatible with your Designer version.