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DateTime Input

Use DateTime Input to allow users to select a date and time in your app.

Configure the Tool

  1. In the tool configuration window, enter a Label. This is the text that will appear above the date picker.

  2. Select the Type:

    • Normal: Shows the date in DD/MM/YYYY format.

    • Year Only: Shows only the year.

    • Year and Month: Shows the month and year.

    • Normal and Time: Shows the date in DD/MM/YYYY and the time.

  3. Select Save.

Color Options

  • General

    • Text: Select the color for the text.

    • Fill: Select the fill color.

    • Label: Select the label color.

    • Icon: Select the color for the icon.

  • Calendar

    • Chevron: Select the chevron color.

    • Number: Select the number color.

    • Dropdown Arrow: Select the color for the dropdown arrow.

    • Background: Select the background color.

  • Revert Colors: Reset the colors to their default states chosen in Themes.