Use the Storage page to configure storage locations for where you upload datasets and generate results.
When editing a directory location, select the pencil icon. You can paste URLs to storage locations into the textbox.
If you can't modify the values on this page, you might need to enable the feature to modify user paths. For more information, go to the Workspace Settings Page.
Relative path to the directory where Alteryx Analytics Cloud (AAC) stores your results and samples by default. Select Edit to modify the home output directory.
An admin in your workspace must enable the option to change the output location. Go to the Workspace Settings Page.
Relative path to the directory where AACAAC stores your uploads. To modify this value, select Edit.
This setting only applies if you connected AACAAC to a backend datastore.
An admin in your workspace must enable the option to change the upload location. Go to the Workspace Settings Page.
You can't upload to locations to which you don't have write access.