App Builder is a new and evolving product available on ADS. Functionality is subject to change without notice as we continue to refine and enhance your experience. We appreciate your understanding and welcome your feedback on Alteryx Community as we continue to improve App Builder!
App Builder is hosted on AACAAC. For more information on the underlying platform, go to Release Notes for Alteryx Analytics Cloud Platform.
Cloud Execution users can now bring an Analytics App built with Designer Desktop into AAC and run it from the Designer Desktop tab in the AAC Library. Users can fill in the parameters and select Run to execute the app with Cloud Execution. The results are provided as a download link.
New Listbox tool allowing App Creators to enable multi-select by App users.
The following tools have a new “Default Value” configuration which is at the bottom of the list of available configurations. Default Value is unchecked by default.
When a user checks the “Default Value” checkbox a Text Box appears where the user can specify the default value to be used. (checkbox does not have this).
Specific to Checkbox, the default setting will be 'Not Selected,' allowing you to choose between 'Not Selected' or 'Selected' radio buttons.
As a response to some users not noticing the Design tab which is where the layout of their app UI is designed, there's a red badge to draw attention when there are Interactive or Display tools available on the Design tab.
To prevent outages, there is a temporary limit for Downloads to 10 thousand rows with higher data volumes.
With the Workflow tool, hovering over greyed out workflows will provide information about why a particular workflow cannot be selected.
You are now able to see new defect fixes or new functionality immediately after an App Builder Release to Production. All users will get the new version of App Builder as soon as it is released, so that you get bugfixes and other features immediately.
Added the Link tool to the Design tab. Use the Link tool to add URLs to your app.
Download and Run buttons now behave the same when dragged onto the canvas. Both have horizontal drag to resize, both take up 2 columns of layout by default, both have Medium Size and Text Variant by default.
Standard mode workflows from Designer Cloud are greyed out in the workflow picker in the Workflow tool and can't be selected. This is temporary until App Builder adds support for Standard mode workflows in apps.
Dropdown options were sometimes not appearing in a logical order. Added default order so you can more easily find an option you are seeking in the list.
Fixed an issue with dupliucated apps where the Value Source for Text Display was not populating with the column from the connected Dropdown tool.
Fixed an issue where the Number type Text Field into Values to Row was not working.
You can now change the App Builder UI to languages other than English. To learn more about supported languages, go to Acceso anticipado de disponibilidad de idiomas.
Run and Download Buttons now default to centered and take up 2 columns of Layout.
CSV Input tool has been renamed to Raw Data Input.
App Builder now redirects to the Session Expired page when a user’s session expires.
Updated example app cards panel added to the landing page.
New Resources panel with links to provide quick access to help with App Builder:
Introduction to Alteryx App Builder: A video tutorial that gives a brief introduction to App Builder.
Academy: Alteryx Academy interactive lessons.
Help: Opens App Builder help.
Blog: Opens App Builder blogs on Alteryx Community.
Community: Opens Alteryx Community discussions about App Builder.
Documentation: Opens the App Builder release notes.
Keyboard Shortcuts: Opens the Keyboard Shortcuts in App Builder help page.
The Output icon in the Interactive Results Grid now points the correct direction.
The global header has been updated to include new icons for Intercom and to give feedback about App Builder. The Resources Menu has also been updated to provide quick access to help with App Builder.
The Workflow tool configuration design has been updated. You can now scroll through a list of all of your workflows and search for a specific workflow using the search bar.
App Builder now supports datasets stored in PDS enabled workspaces with Azure ADLS or ABFSS storage. You can connect directly to these datasets through the Load Dataset tool or connect to Designer Cloud workflows using those datasets through the Workflow tool.
App Builder now handles datatype interpretation:
The Load Dataset tool uses data inferencing and always takes advantage of proper types.
Designer Cloud workflows with Input Data tools that have datatype interpretation enabled also work in App Builder, and they have the properly inferenced datatypes for the columns.
Example applications open a fully orchestrated and designed app for a particular use case to help new App Builder users understand how to build their own app. You can make changes to the example app and save and publish those changes like any other app. For more information on example applications and to see what example applications are available, go to Get Started with App Builder.
When there are tools that were added to the Orchestration of an app that are available to use in the Workflow Tools palette, a notification indicator appears on the Workflow Tools icon and next to the available tool categories. When all tools have been added to the Design canvas, the notification indicator disappears. If a tool is removed from the canvas, the notification indicator reappears to indicate there is a tool available for use.
These connectivity based cloud connectors are available in App Builder:
AWS (S3 and S3a)
A new keyboard shortcut was added to search for a tool on both the Orchestrate and Design tabs. Use Ctrl + K on PC and ⌘ + K on Mac to search for a tool.
When you select a Label Source for the first time in a Radio or Dropdown tool, the selected column is also chosen to populate the Value Source. Any changes made to either source are separate and not connected to the initial default setting.
When annotations are added for connections between tools, they are saved with the app. You can also change the names of the annotations for tool connections, and the new names will be updated in the app.
When you add one of these Interactive tools to the canvas, the Output Column field defaults to [toolname_id]
unless you specify something different:
DateTime Input
Customize any component on the Design canvas from Building Blocks or Workflow Tools with color options available in the configuration panel. To customize the colors of your components, select a Building Block or applicable Workflow Tool, then select your color options in the Color dropdown.
Updates added to Themes to customize your app colors:
Use the Colors section to set your primary, secondary, and background colors.
Use the Text section to set a default color for text.
Use the Charts section to add series colors for your charts. You can set up to 10 series colors.
Undo or Redo up to 10 changes with the Undo and Redo options in the Edit menu or through common keyboard shortcuts.
PC shortcuts: Ctrl + Z to undo an action and Ctrl + Y to redo an action.
Mac shortcuts: ⌘ + Z to undo an action and ⌘ + Y to redo an action.
A message will display alerting you that you have reached the limit once you have reverted or redone all changes or reached a maximum of 10 changes.
Multiple enhancements were made to improve the save experience in App Builder:
An indicator now displays while you save an app.
The save button is disabled while a save is in progress and is reenabled when the save is finished.
When you hover over an application name, the tooltip shows when the last save occurred.
New keyboard shortcuts for save are now available: Alt + S for Windows users and Ctrl + S for Mac users.
Custom spacing is available for all Display and Interactive workflow tools, as well as all Building Blocks, in App Builder. Change the spacing of your app elements in the Design tab. For more information on spacing, see Components in App Builder or Design Workflow Tools.
App Creators can now publish an app to indicate it is ready for others to use.
A Creator in App Builder is able to develop Sandbox apps and promote a completed app to a published state. To publish an app for the first time or republish an app, select Publish.
Saved changes made in Sandbox apps do not appear in the published app until they are published.
Changes to the app can be made, tested, and reviewed with others before publishing or republishing the app.
Republishing an app replaces the published app with the most recent saved changes to the Sandbox app.
When an app is deleted, all versions of the app, either published or unpublished, are deleted.
You can specify a Customized Path for your app through publishing. The custom path updates both the sharing link and the iFrame URL link.
For more information on publishing apps, see App Builder User Interface.
Use the new Function tool to create a new column of data that contains the result of a mathematical formula. You can use parenthesis, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction, and concatenation operators in the function.
When enabled, tool descriptions appear when you hover over a tool in the Orchestrate or Design lists or over the question mark in the tool configuration window. To enable tool descriptions, use the Tool Descriptions toggle in the View menu.
A new Spacer Building Block component is available on the Design tab. Use Spacer to create space between other elements in the application. See Components in App Builder for more details.
The Divider Building Block component has been updated to include new configurations for Stroke Width, Color, and updated Stroke Styles. See Components in App Builder for more details.
View your data in App Builder in the Interactive Results Grid, located below the canvas. To view data, select a tool or anchor in the data flow. The data from the tool or anchor is displayed in the Results Grid.
Column to Column comparison has been added to the Filter tool in App Builder. Now, you can filter by comparing columns in addition to looking at values in a column.
A new Aggregate tool is available for Data Manipulation and contains a sub-set of functionality that are similar to the Designer Desktop Summarize tool. Use the Aggregate tool to calculate cumulative values from a dataset. See Aggregate tool for more information.
This is the initial set of release notes for App Builder.
Users with App Builder Creator role permissions can create, share and use apps in App Builder. Sharing requires access to all dependent resources, such as workflows and datasets.
Creators can build applications with full file-based datasets from Designer Cloudworkflows or datasets from the Alteryx Analytics CloudLibrary, or use a combination of both.
Visualize data with interactive Area Charts, Bar Charts, Line Charts, Scatterplots, and Tables.
Make workflows, datasets, and interface tools dynamic with a redesigned Variable experience.
Access your finished application on any device with a browser.