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Workflow Math Functions

In Designer Cloud, a math function performs mathematical calculations. Math functions can only be used with Number data types.


Not all functions are supported between Standard mode and Cloud Native mode tools. For a list of supported functions, go to the respective Standard mode and Could Native mode function lists found on the Formula tool page.


ABS(x): Returns the absolute value of (x). It is the distance between 0 and a number. The value is always positive.


Abs(32)returns 32.

Abs(-32)returns 32.


ACOS(x): Returns the arccosine, or inverse cosine, of a number (x). The arccosine is the angle whose cosine is (x).

  • The returned angle is given in radians in the range 0 (zero) to pi.

  • The number (x) must be between -1 and 1.


ACOS(0.5) returns 1.047198.


ASIN(x): Returns the arcsine, or inverse sine, of a number (x). The arcsine is the angle whose sine is (x).

  • The returned angle is given in radians in the range -pi/2 to pi/2.

  • The number (x) must be between -1 and 1.


ASIN(0.5) returns 0.523599.


ATAN(x): Returns the arctangent, or inverse tangent, of a number (x). The arctangent is the angle whose tangent is (x). The returned angle is given in radians in the range -pi/2 to pi/2.


ATAN(0.8) returns 0.674741.


ATAN2(y, x): Returns the arctangent, or inverse tangent, of y and x (Arc - Tangent of (y/x)).


ATAN2(4, –3) returns 2.2143.


Average(n1, ...): Returns the average of a list of numbers. NULL values are treated as 0 and taken into consideration in the calculation of the average value.


Average(20,30,55) returns 35 since [(20+30+55)/3]= 35.


AverageNonNull(n1, ...): Returns the average of a list of numbers. Null values are excluded from the calculation. The calculation only works with Numeric data types.


Please note that the AverageNonNull function works differently than the above Average(n1, …) function.

  • AverageNonNull excludes null values from the average calculation. This is the same behavior as the Average Action available via the Summarize tool.

  • Average treats null values as 0's.

Because of this, the 2 functions can return different results depending on the input.


  • AVERAGENONNULL(Null, 1, 1) returns 1 (vs. 0.666666666666667 with the Average function, which includes Null as 0).

  • AVERAGENONNULL(Null, 1, 2, 3) returns 2 (vs. 1.5 with the Average function).

  • AVERAGENONNULL(Null, 1, 2, 2) returns 1.666666666666667 (vs. 1.25 with the Average function).

  • AVERAGENONNULL(Null, 1.2, 2.345, 3.456789) returns 2.33392966666667 (vs. 1.75044725 with the Average function).

  • AVERAGENONNULL(Null, 1.2, 2.345, 3.456789, Null) returns 2.33392966666667 (vs. 1.4003578 with the Average function).

  • AVERAGENONNULL(Null, Null, Null) returns Null. When all values are Null, the results are Null.


CEIL(x, [mult]): Returns a numeric value (x) raised to the lowest multiple of (mult) that is greater than or equal to x. The (mult) parameter must be a number greater than 0. If (mult) is not specified, the function returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to (x).


  • CEIL(9.567) returns 10 (if we don't provide a parameter, the function defaults to return the smallest integer greater than or equal to x).

  • CEIL(123.456, 10) returns 130 (rounds up to the nearest multiple of 10).

  • CEIL(–110, 100) returns -100 (rounds up to the nearest multiple of 100).

  • CEIL(123, Null) returns Null (If there is a null in any parameter, the result is Null).

  • CEIL(9.123, 0.01) returns 9.13 (rounds up to the nearest multiple of .01).

  • CEIL(7, 5) returns 10 (rounds up to the nearest multiple of 5).


COS(x): Returns the cosine of a given angle (x). x must be in radians.


COS(1) returns 0.54030230586814.


COSH(x): Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a number (x).


COSH(1) returns 1.54308063481524.


EXP(x): Returns the constant e raised to the power of an exponent (x) (e^x).


Factorial(x): Returns the factorial of a numeric value (x) via the (n! = n x (n–1) x … x 1) calculation. For example, the factorial of 4 is calculated as such: 4! = 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 24.

  • This function accepts positive integers only.

  • This function doesn't support decimal numbers.

  • Due to numeric data type size limitations, the maximum allowable value for (x) in the Factorial function is 170.


    While the mathematical representation of factorial is commonly denoted as x!, the Alteryx function only recognizes factorial via Factorial(x).


FLOOR(x, [mult]): Returns a numeric value (x) lowered to the highest multiple of (mult) that is less than or equal to x. The (mult) parameter must be a number greater than 0. If (mult) is not specified, the function returns the largest integer less than or equal to (x), as shown in the first example below.


  • FLOOR(4.567) returns 4 (if you don't provide a parameter, the function defaults to return the largest integer less than or equal to x).

  • FLOOR(4.567, 0.01) returns 4.56 (rounds down to the nearest hundredth).

  • FLOOR(–15.75, 0.1) returns –15.8 (rounds down to the nearest tenth).

  • FLOOR(Null, 10) returns Null (If there is a null in any parameter, the result is Null).

  • FLOOR(13, 5) returns 10 (rounds down to 10, which is the nearest multiple of 5 that is less than or equal to 13).


LOG(x): Returns the natural logarithm of a number (x). x should be a positive number.


  • LOG(1) returns 0.

  • LOG(14) returns 2.639057.


LOG10(x): Returns the base-10 logarithm of a number (x). x should be a positive number.


  • LOG10(1) returns 0.

  • LOG10(14) returns 1.146128.


Median(...): Calculates the median of 1 or more (possibly unsorted) values.


Median (5, 4, 3, 7, 6) returns 5.


Mod(n,d): Modulo of a number (n) divided by a number (d) (integer operation).

The Modulo operation finds the remainder of 1 integer (n) divided by a divisor integer (d).

  • If (n) is positive, the result is positive.

  • If (n) is negative, the result is negative.

If you use decimal values, the decimal is truncated. This can result in a "Divided by 0" error if the divisor is a decimal less than 1.


  • MOD(6,4) returns 2.

  • MOD(6,–4) returns 2.

  • MOD(–6,4) returns –2.

  • MOD(–6,–4) returns –2.

  • MOD(6,.4) returns [Null].


PI(): Returns the value of the constant PI to 15 digits of accuracy.


POW(x, e): Returns a number (x) raised to the (e) power.


POW(2, 3) is equivalent to 23 and returns 8.


RAND(): Returns a random number greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1.


RAND() returns a random number like 0.256.


RandInt(n): Returns a random integer between 0 and the specified parameter (n).


  • RandInt(10) returns 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10.

  • RandInt(5000) returns a random whole number between 0 and 5000, like 741.


Round(x, mult): Returns x rounded to the nearest multiple of the number specified in mult.


  • Round(55.34, 2) returns a value of 56.

  • Round(39.88, 10) returns a value of 40.

  • Round(41.1, 10) returns a value of 40.

  • Round(1.25, 0.1) returns a value of 1.3.

  • Round(1.227, 0.01) returns a value of 1.23.


SIN(x): Returns the sine of a given angle (x). x must be in radians.


SIN(90) returns 0.893996663600558.


SINH(x): Returns the hyperbolic sine of a number (x).


SmartRound(x): Returns a number (x) rounded to the nearest multiple of a value determined dynamically based on the size of (x).


SQRT(x): Returns the square root of a number (x).


SQRT(100) returns a value of 10.


TAN(x): Returns the tangent of a given angle (x). x must be in radians.


TAN(1) returns 1.5574077246549.


TANH(x): Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a number (x).


TANH(90) returns 1.