With LiveQuery, you can use cloud data processing while building your Cloud Native workflow. LiveQuery provides access to your cloud data warehouse, enabling you to work seamlessly in Designer Cloud without the need to move or replicate data into your Alteryx Analytics Cloud (AAC) environment. Use LiveQuery to work directly with your entire dataset in real-time, rather than relying on a sample.
Use LiveQuery to connect directly to your cloud data warehouses on Snowflake or Databricks.
To enable LiveQuery as a Workspace AdminAmministratore dello spazio di lavoro, go to Profile menu > Workspace Admin > Settings.
To use LiveQuery, open a Cloud Native workflow in Designer Cloud and enable LiveQuery from the Options menu.
For Input, only CDW or CSV files are supported as a source.
DatetimeNow and Text Input tools aren't supported.
These Transform tools aren't currently supported:
Find Replace
Cross Tab
Dynamic Rename
Complex data types like array, map, struct, variant, and binary aren't supported.
The max header size supported for any LiveQuery API is limited to 16KB.
Live Query is not supported on GCS workspaces.
Time is not supported for many sources.
For snowflake Live Query Public Preview, we currently support only Snowflake as a source.
You can connect with LiveQuery from Databricks to Databricks, files to Databricks, or any source to Databricks.
Input Types: Databricks table, CustomSQL table, and Views.
Supported Ecosystems: AWS and Azure Cloud.
Features Supported:
PDP (Policy-Driven Pipelines),
File Input,
Connections from any source.
Not Supported: LiveQuery is not functional in AWS workspaces configured with key or secret credentials.
Text Input Tool
Column names containing special characters (e.g., []
) are not renamed properly internally by the parser, which can cause downstream processing issues with the SQL Transform tool.
Union Tool
The order of elements returned by the UNION operation in SQL is not guaranteed.
Select Rows Tool
Databricks applies a "nulls first" sorting approach, leading to a different row order compared to Cloud Native Mode.
Float Data Representation
Columns of type float
containing integer-like values (e.g., 12
, 202
) are returned in decimal format (e.g., 12.0
, 202.0
) with following tools:
Weighted Average tool - for DBX table and Text Input.
Running Total tool - For DBX table and Text Input, the column type shown as
.Text to Columns tool - For Text Input.
Parquet File Input
Date, Datetime, and Timestamp column types will be interpreted as string values.
Live query selected connections and Input should be from the same Databricks connection.
Unsupported Transforms and Data Types
Transforms that use UDFs are not supported and are disabled. This includes: DatetimeNow, Unique, Regex, Arrange, CrossTab, and Transpose.
Complex data types such as array, map, struct, variant, binary, object, and interval are not supported.
TIME data type is not supported in input dataset.
The Postgres TIME data type is not supported.
Date types (e.g.,
) are published to Databricks as timestamp values (2024-08-08T00:00:00.000
Memo API and Workflow Issues
Data does not load for memo API calls when using duplicated or exported LiveQuery workflows.
If the SQL warehouse is updated in the Admin Settings for Databricks, the new configuration will take effect after 15 minutes due to caching.
Performance Considerations
When using Classic and Pro SQL Warehouses in Databricks, performance may be slow, depending on the size of the warehouse.
If the SQL warehouse takes a long time to start, memo API calls may fail due to timeouts. Ensure the SQL warehouse is up and running before executing workflows.
When the databricks workspace is configured with Classic and Pro SQL Warehouse, the performance will be slow and will also depend on the size of the warehouse. If the SQL warehouse configured takes a long time to start, the memo API fails due to timeout. The solution is to make sure the SQL warehouse is up and running before running the workflow.