After you import a flow into a new project or workspace, you may need required to remap the flowoutputs to accessible publishing destinations.
When you import the flow, you can use the displayed dialog to perform remappings. Use the steps below if you need to perform updates after the import is completed.
You should remap the data sources first. See Reconnect Flow to Source Data.
Open the imported flow.
In Flow View, for each output:
Select the required output. The object details are displayed in the Details panel.
If you cannot connect to the data, you do not have permissions to use the connection specified in the flow or the connection may not be available in the current project or workspace. You must create a new connection to access the source data.
In the Details panel, click Edit or Add. The Publishing Settings page is displayed.
Edit the changes as required.
To save your changes, click Update.
Repeat the above steps for the other outputs in the flow.
To verify, run a job that generates one of the outputs.