Schedule and run your Designer Desktop-built workflows in the cloud. Use Cloud Execution for Desktop to link your Alteryx Designer Desktop instance to an Alteryx Analytics Cloud (AAC) workspace and then save your desktop-built workflows to the AACAAC library (which belongs to your AACAAC workspace). Once saved to the library, you can navigate to AACAAC and schedule those workflows to run. The execution takes place in the cloud—very similar to the way you can save and execute a workflow in Alteryx Server today.
Cloud Execution for Desktop requires an AACAAC Enterprise Version.
AACAAC only supports Cloud Execution for Desktop on workspaces with AWS, Azure, or GCP Private Data Processing enabled.
To enable Cloud Execution for Desktop, follow these steps...
Set up Private Data Storage for AWS, Azure, or GCP...
Set up Private Data Processing for AWS, Azure, or GCP...
Deploy the Cloud Execution Module for AWS, Azure, or GCP...
The provisioning process takes approximately 35–40 minutes to complete. When you enable Cloud Execution for Desktop on the workspace, virtual machines deploy for the purposes of executing your desktop-built workflows in AACAAC.
Once the provisioning finishes, complete the rest of the setup in Designer Desktop with these instructions. After setup completes, you can find your Designer Desktop workflows on the Library page.