Configure Alteryx Analytics Cloud (AAC) to integrate with your Databricks workspace using OAuth 2.0 to authenticate.
Enable Azure Einmaliges Anmelden (SSO) for your workspace.
Set up your workspace with ADLS as Private Data Storage and set the workspace storage directory to
In the Azure portal, you must create a client app.
Sign in to your Microsoft Azure portal.
Go to App registrations and then select New registration.
Configure the redirect URLs as...
is your base AACAAC URL. For example,
Go to Add a certificate or secret and then create a new secret.
Copy the
client id
, andtenant id
. You will use these later.
After you create the Azure client app, you must create an OAuth 2.0 client in AACAAC. The AACAAC client app integrates with the OAuth 2.0 Client app that you created in the Azure portal.
Sign in to AACAAC as a Arbeitsbereich-AdministratorWorkspace Admin.
Select the Profile menu > Workspace Admin > OAuth 2.0 Clients.
On the OAuth 2.0 Clients page, select Register OAuth 2.0 client.
Configure these fields for the new client…
From the Type dropdown, select databricks.
Under Name, enter a descriptive name for the client.
Enter the Client ID value you created during the Azure client app setup.
Enter the Client Secret value you created during the Azure client app setup.
Under Authorization URL, enter{tenantID}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize
. Replace{tenantID}
with your Azure tenant ID.Under Token URL, enter{tenantID}/oauth2/v2.0/token
. Replace{tenantID}
with your Azure tenant ID.Under Scopes, enter
2ff814a6-3304-4ab8-85cb-cd0e6f879c1d/.default offline_access
.Under Access Token Expires In, enter
.Under Refresh Token Expires In, enter
Select Create.
For more information, go to Create OAuth2 Client.