App Builder is a new and evolving product available with the Alteryx Analytics Cloud Platform. Functionality is subject to change without notice as we continue to refine and enhance your experience. We appreciate your understanding and welcome your feedback on Alteryx Community as we continue to improve App Builder!
Change the look and feel of your app using Themes. You can also select a component on the Design canvas from Building Blocks or Workflow Tools and specify the colors in the configuration panel.
Use the color pickers to select the colors that are used for different aspects of your app:
Color 1: Change the primary colors for components like link color, button background color, and focused state.
Color 2: Change the secondary colors for components, like checkbox background color.
Background: Select the background color for your app.
Use the color picker to select a default color for your text.
Select the colors used for series in charts. You can set up to 10 series colors. To add a new series color, select Add Series.