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Teradata Connections

You can create connections to your Teradata instance from Alteryx Analytics Cloud (AAC).

Supported Environments:

  • Read: Supported.

  • Write: Not supported.


  • Tables inside the DBC database are not listed due to technical constraints; however you can access the tables through custom SQL.

  • Custom SQL is supported. The Custom SQL should be in the following format:

    • When using custom SQL, the keyword LIMIT is not supported by Teradata. Use the keyword TOP to get the required number of rows similar to the following:

  • In theConnect String Options, the parameters must be separated by commas:


Create Teradata Connection

To create this connection, in the Connections page, select the Databases tab. Click the Teradata card. See Connections Page.

Modify the following properties as needed:




Enter the host name of Teradata. Example value:


Set this value to the port number through which to access Teradata. By default, this values is set to 1025.

Connect String Options

(Optional) You can specify additional options used to connect as a string value. Connect string options are submitted in the following format:


Enable Data Encryption

When enabled, the data exchanged between the Teradata JDBC driver and the database is encrypted.

User Name

The username used to connect.


The password associated with the username.

Test Connection

After you have defined the connection credentials type, credentials, and connection string, you can verify that AACAAC can use them to connect to the database.

Advanced options: Default Column Data Type Inference

Set to disabled to prevent the product from applying its own type inference to each column on import. The default value is enabled.

Advanced options: Enable SSH Tunneling

If available, the SSH tunneling options allow you to configure SSH tunneling authentication between AACAAC and your database.


SSH tunneling is available on a per-connection basis. It may not be available for all connections.

For more information, see Configure SSH Tunnel Connectivity.

Connection Name

Display name of the connection.

Connection Description

(Optional) Description of the connection, which appears in the application.

Connection URL

The properties that you provide are inserted into the following URL, which connects AACAAC to the connection:






Host URL of the database server.


Port number for the database server. Typically, this value is 1025 for Teradata.


Connect string options, which are submitted in the following format:


The Connection URL is mostly built up automatically using cluster configuration for the platform.

Use Data Encryption

When Data Encryption is enabled for the connection, the following is automatically appended to the connect string options:


Driver Information

This connection uses the following driver:

Create via API

This connection can also be created using the API.

"vendor": "teradata",
"vendorName": "Teradata",
"type": "jdbc"

Using Teradata Connections

Uses of Teradata

AACAAC can use for the following tasks:

  • Create datasets by reading from tables.

Before you begin using Teradata

Read Access:

Your administrator must configure read permissions.

Writing to Teradata

SQL Syntax

The following syntax requirements apply to this connection.

Object delimiter: double-quote or no delimiter

Example syntax:

Double quotes can be used around database names, table names, or column names.

Note that references to specific values must be single-quoted for columns of String data type.

SELECT "column1","column2" FROM "databaseName"."tableName" WHERE "column3" = 'my_value';

For more information on SQL in general, see Supported SQL Syntax.