Set up access to a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) email server in your Alteryx Analytics Cloud (AAC) workspace. Use the email server to send user-defined emails in AACAAC apps.
To access this page, you must have a Arbeitsbereich-AdministratorWorkspace Admin role assigned to you.
For security reasons, data from AACAAC apps and attachments aren’t allowed.
Emails can only contain text and AACAAC metadata.
You might have limitations based on your SMTP. For example…
The maximum number of recipients of an email.
The maximum size of the email body and subject.
The OAuth authentication method isn't supported.
Follow these steps to set up an SMTP email server in your AACAAC workspace…
Sign in to your AACAAC workspace.
Go to Profile menu > Workspace Admin > Email Server.
Enter the Sender Email. AACAAC will send emails from this email address.
Enter the Host URL. The host URL typically starts with
(for example, the email server Port number. This value defaults to
. To determine which port to enter, refer to your SMTP server’s documentation. These are a few example port settings:Port 25 when there is no encryption.
Port 465 for SSL/TLS encryption.
Port 587 for STARTTLS encryption.
Enter the Username and Password for the email server.
Select Send Test Email to send a test email.
If the test email is successful, a success dialog appears.
If the test email fails to send, select View Response from the error dialog to view the Server Response window.
Select Save to complete the setup.
Once you’ve successfully completed the email server setup, you can send user-defined emails from these apps…
Plans: Use the Email task to send emails about the execution of your plans via email.
More apps coming soon.