Workspaces are segregated and secure environments associated with your account. Use workspaces to isolate users, processes, data, and use cases from each other.
You must have the KontoverwaltungAccount Admin role to view and manage workspaces.
Your Alteryx Analytics Cloud (AAC) account includes 1 workspace by default. If 1 or more of these conditions are true, consider adding additional workspaces...
Laws, regulations, or policies prevent certain users from interacting with other users.
You need to control access to sensitive data or processes.
You have an SDLC process that requires you to separately manage production processes from non-production processes.
To view workspaces under your account...
Go to your AACAAC Account.
If you need to sign in, select Manage Account.
If you are already signed in, go to the Profile menu > Account Admin.
Go to the Workspaces page.
Name: A unique identifier assigned to the workspace by you. Users use the workspace name to identity the workspace.
ID: A unique identifier that AACAAC assigns. Use the workspace ID to identify a workspace with AACAAC APIs, for example.
Users: Number of user in the workspace.
Workspace Admins: A list of users that belong to the workspace and have the Arbeitsbereich-AdministratorWorkspace Admin role assigned to them.
Authentication Method: The sign-in method the workspace uses. Possible values include:
(Alteryx credentials),SSO (OIDC)
, andSSO (SAML)
To add an additional workspace...
From the Workspaces page, select Create Workspace.
Assign a Workspace Name.
Assign 1 or more Workspace Admins.
Once created, your workspace inherits the products and features enabled for your account. Invite notifications also deploy to any administrators assigned to the workspace.
Workspace names must be unique across all AACAAC users and accounts. If your workspace name isn't available, please try a different variation.
You can't rename a workspace.
You can't delete a workspace.