Administrators can manage permitted Alteryx Analytics Cloud (AAC) users.
All of these functions are available through the Admin console. For more information, go to Admin Console.
To easily find users, you can sort based on name or last active time. To sort, select the Name or Last Active column in the table header.
You can also filter users by status and roles. To filter users, select the filter icon on the right side of the Status or Roles column name in the table header. Select the status or roles you want to filter by, then select Apply. Note that for the Roles column, you can also sort for roles that aren't assigned to a user.
To permit a user to access AACAAC, an administrator must complete the following steps.
When a user accepts your invitation and has an application role assigned to them, the licensed seat count for the application is incremented, where applicable.
Sign in to AACAAC as an administrator.
From the left navigation bar, select Profile menu > Workspace Admin > Users.
On the Users page, select Invite.
In the Invite Users dialog, enter a comma-separated list of email addresses to which to send invites.
These addresses become the user identifier for signing in to AACAAC.
Avoid sending invites to email aliases.
To grant product access, you can assign additional roles to the users in the Invite Users dialog. For more information, go to the Roles Page.
To invite the list of users and set their roles, select Invite.
Each valid user receives an email at the email address that you listed. The receiving user must click the link in the email to accept the invitation.
After the user accepts the invitation, you can find their user account in AACAAC. You can then modify the user account as needed before the user chooses to sign in.
For more information, go to the Users Page.
Admins can re-invite users through the UI or API. For API instructions, go to the API documentation. To re-invite users through the UI, admins have 2 options from the 3-dot menu:
Re-invite User: Send an additional invitation email to an invited user. To re-invite multiple users, either check the box in the table header to select all users or check the boxes for specific users, then select the Re-invite User(s) option that becomes available in the table header.
Copy Invite URL: Copy the invitation URL for an invited user.
On the Users page, check the box next to each user. If you want to select all users, check the box on the left side of the table header.
Select Add Roles or Remove Roles on the right side of the table header.
Add or Remove roles for the selected users, then select Save.
On the Users page, locate the user to review.
On the right side of the row for the user, select the 3-dot menu.
Select Edit Roles.
In the dialog, you can add and remove roles for the user account.
When finished, select Save.
Disabled users that still have application roles will count toward the applicable licensed seat limits.
If needed, you can disable a user's account and prevent their access to AACAAC.
The user can no longer sign in to AACAAC or use any available API endpoints.
AACAAC retains the user's assets. Other users who have permission can still access them.
To disable a single user, complete these steps:
On the Users page, locate the user to disable.
On the right side of the row for the user, select the 3-dot menu.
Select Disable, then select Disable again to confirm.
To reactivate a disabled member, select Enable.
Effective immediately, the user can't sign in to the application.
To disable multiple users, complete these steps:
On the Users page, check the box next to each user. If you want to select all users, check the box on the left side of the table header.
Select Disable on the right side of the table header, then select Disable again to confirm. To reactivate disabled members, select Enable.
Effective immediately, the users can’t sign in to the application.
To remove a user completely, please complete the following steps.
When you remove a user from AACAAC, that action permanently removes some or all of the user’s assets. We recommend that you first reassign these assets to other users.
On the Users page, locate the user to remove.
On the right side of the row for the user, select the 3-dot menu.
Select Remove.
If the user owns assets, you can choose to assign them to another user. If you don't assign them, you will lose the assets.
Confirm that you wish to remove the user.
If you must recover a removed user or that user's assets, please contact Alteryx Support within 14 days of the deletion.