When you sign up to use Alteryx Analytics Cloud (AAC), you are provided a default storage environment which you can use to immediately get started using the product. A storage environment is used to store your data and metadata assets.
AACAAC supports multiple storage environments, one of which is the default one. The default storage environment provides all of the storage capabilities of other storage environment, as well as storage for data assets generated by use of the product. In the following table, you can see the types of data assets that are stored in each type of storage environment:
Asset Type | Description | Default Storage | Non-Default Storage |
imported datasets | When you upload data to the product, it is stored in the default storage environment. From these uploaded assets, you create imported datasets, which are sources of data in AACAAC. You can also import data that is stored in other storage environments. | Yes | Yes |
job results | When you run a job to transform your data, the results of the job execution are stored in a storage environment. | Yes | Yes |
samples | When you transform your data, you are working on a sample of the source data. | Yes | No |
temporary files | During ingestion of data and job execution, AACAAC requires storage space in the default storage environment to store temporary files. | Yes | No |
You can use either of the following storage environments as the default or secondary storage environment.
You should choose your default storage environment when you first start using the product.
When the product is first launched:
ADS is automatically configured to be the default storage environment.
S3 connectivity is also enabled as secondary storage.
You must configure access to your S3 buckets and assets.
One of the following must be set as the default storage environment.
Default Storage Environment | Description | Secondary Storage Environments |
ADS | Short for Alteryx Data Storage (ADS), this S3-backed storage environment is managed by Alteryx and requires no additional configuration to manage. When AACAAC is first launched, ADS is defined as the default storage environment. Details are below. This storage environment provides storage for the above data asset types. ADS is backed by AWS S3 buckets hosted by Alteryx and secured by IAM policies. Using ADS is very similar to navigating S3 buckets to find and select assets to import or to locate job results that you have published. For more information, see Using TFS. | When ADS is your default storage environment:
S3 | Your S3 buckets and their assets. Note To access your S3 assets, you must provide authentication credentials, policies, and other configuration information to AACAAC. Additional information is provided below. See Using S3. | When S3 is your default storage environment:
If you are using S3 as your default storage environment or as a secondary environment, additional configuration is required. These steps include configuration that must be performed within AWS by an S3 administrator.
Please review and complete any necessary configuration in AWS before changing your default storage environment to S3.
If you are enabling access to S3, you must choose the method of access and acquire information from your S3 administrator to insert into the application to enable access.
The following section should be shared with your S3 administrator, who can provide the required information.
For more information, see Enable Access to S3 and AWS Resources.
If you are using Private Data Storage, additional setup is required. See Private Data Storage.
After you have acquired the necessary information for S3, you can create apply your S3 information through the Connections page.
From AACAAC, select Connections > AWS Account. For more information, see AWS Account Page.
After the configuration is complete, you should test to verify that you can read from and write to the designated bucket.
Then, you can choose switch to using it as the default storage environment, if preferred. Instructions are provided below.
You can configure S3 to be the default storage environment, instead of ADS.
Before you begin, you should verify that you have the appropriate credentials to access S3.
Please complete the following.
You apply this change through the Workspace Settings Page. For more information, see Platform Configuration Methods.
Locate the following setting and set it to your preferred storage environment:
Default storage environment
After completion of the above:
The selected environment is now used as the default storage environment.
The assets listed above are now stored in this environment.
The other storage environment type can be disabled if preferred. See below.
By default, S3 is enabled for access as a storage environment. If needed, you can disable access to S3 when ADS is the default storage environment.
You can add still use S3 as a secondary storage environment.
If S3 has been enabled previously, all access to assets stored on S3 is cut off for AACAAC.
To disable S3 access, please complete the following.
Login as a workspace administrator.
You apply this change through the Workspace Settings Page. For more information, see Platform Configuration Methods.
Locate the following setting and set it to
:Trifacta File System
Set the following to ADS:
Default storage environment
Locate the following setting and set it to
:Enable S3 connectivity
Access to S3 is closed. ADS is used as the default storage environment.
If you wish to disable all access to ADS, please do the following.
You can add still use ADS as a secondary storage environment.
If ADS has been enabled previously, all access to assets stored on ADS is cut off for AACAAC.
Login as a workspace administrator.
You apply this change through the Workspace Settings Page. For more information, see Platform Configuration Methods.
Locate the following setting and set it to
:Enable S3 connectivity
Set the following to
:Default storage environment
Locate the following setting and set it to
:Trifacta File System
Access to ADS is closed. S3 is used as the default storage environment.