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Tableau 2.  Licenses and Roles


Alteryx Analytics Cloud (AAC) Assigned Role


Workspace Admin

Auto Insights Creator

Auto Insights Consumer


  • Assign Creator or Consumer role to any user in the workspace via AAC Admin Console.

  • Administer all Auto Insights datasets and user groups.

  • Create and share datasets.

  • Create Missions.


  • Create and share datasets.

  • Create Missions.


  • Assign Creator or Consumer role to any user in the workspace via AAC Admin Console.

  • View shared datasets.

  • Create Missions.

  • No access to Auto Insights Admin Portal.


  • View shared datasets.

  • Create Missions.

  • No access to Auto Insights Admin Portal.


  • Assign Creator or Consumer role to any user in the workspace via AAC Admin Console.

  • No access to Auto Insights.

Admin Role Capabilities in Auto Insights

Administration of Users and User roles is now controlled within the Alteryx Analytics Cloud Admin Console, for information please refer to User Administration in Admin Tasks. The reference in the below table to "Org Admin" describes a user with both Workspace Administrator and Auto Insights Creator roles assigned in the Alteryx Analytics Cloud Admin Console.

Role Capabilities

Creator (Admin)

Org Admin

Admin Portal access

Dataset Administration

List My Datasets*

List All Datasets

Edit Datasets*

User Administration

See All Users

Create New User**

Edit User Details**

Remove User**

Edit User Role**

Group Administration

"My Groups" are groups you're a member of.

Create Groups

Delete Groups

Delete My Groups

Edit Groups

Edit My Groups

Add User to Any Group

Add User to My Groups

View My Groups

* Requires access to be provided.

** via the Analytics Cloud Admin Console.