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OAuth 2.0 API Tokens Page for Users

Quels sont ces nouveaux jetons API ?

Les nouveaux jetons API OAuth 2.0 sont dynamiques et offrent une sécurité et un contrôle améliorés par rapport aux jetons API hérités.

Si vous utilisez actuellement des jetons API hérités créés sur la Access Tokens Page, veuillez migrer vers les nouveaux jetons API OAuth 2.0. Les jetons API hérités sont désormais obsolètes et les nouveaux jetons créés sur la page Jetons d'accès ne sont pas pris en charge.

Notez que la date limite pour migrer vers les nouveaux jetons API a été fixée au 11 juillet 2024.

On the OAuth 2.0 API Tokens page for users, you can create and manage API tokens for your Alteryx Analytics Cloud (AAC) workspace. To access the OAuth 2.0 API Tokens page for users, go to Profile menu > User Preferences > OAuth 2.0 API Tokens.

For more information on the AACAAC API, go to the API documentation.

If you are a workspace admin, you can manage users' API tokens on the OAuth 2.0 API Tokens Page for Admins.

Create an API Token

  1. Select Generate from the OAuth 2.0 API Tokens page.

  2. Enter a Name to describe the token.

  3. Enter the token Lifetime in days. The token can last between 1 and 365 days.

  4. Select Generate.

  5. Copy both the Access Token and Refresh Token values and keep them in a secure location. You can't retrieve these token values after closing the API token dialog.

    1. Access Token: Use Access Tokens to interact with the AACAAC API. Access tokens have a 1 hour lifespan. To refresh Access Tokens, invoke any AACAAC endpoint, or the token endpoint specifically.

    2. Refresh Token: Use Refresh Tokens to fetch new Access Tokens when the previous Access Tokens expires. The Lifetime value you entered defines the lifespan of the Refresh token.

  6. Select Close.


You must create an API token for each workspace you want to interact with. You can't use an API token from 1 workspace to interact with another workspace.

Manage API Tokens

You can Disable or Delete API tokens that you've created. Note that once you Disable a token, you can't use it again.

To modify a single token, select the 3-dot menu next to the token.

To modify multiple tokens, check the box next to each token and then select Disable or Delete.


If you Disable or Delete a token, this actions only affects the Refresh Token. The AACAAC API is still accessible until the Access Token expires, which can take up to 1 hour.