Social Security Number Data Type
This data type is applied to numeric data following the pattern for United States Social Security numbers.
Supported Patterns and Delimiters:
When values are validated against the Social Security Number data type, the Cloud Portal validates the values using regular expressions. This regular expression method checks for general Social Security Number patterns and is fast to evaluate.
However, some values may follow the regular expression validation pattern but are not accurate social security numbers. These values may be detected as valid values.
Social Security Number Data Type
This data type is applied to numeric data following the pattern for United States Social Security numbers.
Supported Patterns and Delimiters:
### ## ####
no space
Data Validation
When values are validated against the Social Security Number data type, the Cloud Portal validates the values using regular expressions. This regular expression method checks for general Social Security Number patterns and is fast to evaluate.
However, some values may follow the regular expression validation pattern but are not accurate social security numbers. These values may be detected as valid values.