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Multi-Column Binning Tool

Use Multi-Column Binning to replicate some of the functionality of the Tile tool—additional features allow data to be binned on multiple columns. Multi-Column Binning only accepts numeric columns for binning. You can bin columns on either equal rows or equal intervals.

Configure the Tool

  1. In Numeric Columns to Bin, use the checkboxes to select the columns for binning (only numeric columns are shown).


    If too many rows have the same group value, a tile is skipped.

  2. Choose the Tile Method for binning:

    • Equal Rows: The tool divides rows into your specified number of bins. Each bin is assigned the same number of rows based on the values in the selected column.

    • Equal Intervals: The minimum and maximum values of the selected columns are determined. The range is split into equal-sized sub-ranges. Rows are assigned to bins based on these ranges.

  3. To specify how many bins you want to create, enter a Number of Tiles between 1 and 1,000.

View the Output

The output data stream includes all columns that went into the tool. The tool also creates a new column for each column that is selected for binning with this naming format: ColumnName_Tile_Num.