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Single Sign-On

Enable Single Sign-On (SSO) to apply your organization's authentication security policies to an individual workspace. Admins can enable SSO on a workspace-by-workspace basis.


To access this page, you must have a Workspace Admin role assigned to you.


You can use any identity provider that supports the OIDC or SAML 2.0 protocols.  Step-by-step guides are available for the most popular identity providers.

Use these guides to enable SSO using either the OIDC or SAML 2.0 protocols for an individual workspace:


SAML 2.0

Single Sign-Out

Use Single Sign-Out to enhance security and simplify the sign-out experience. With Single Sign-Out enabled, the user's current browser and IdP session terminate when the user selects Sign Out.


Not all identity providers support Upstream SAML Request Parameters. Please check your identity provider’s documentation for support before proceeding.