Through the Admin console, admin users can modify settings and users at the system and workspace level, as well as run health checks and manage the license for Alteryx Analytics Cloud (AAC). Select Profile menu > Workspace Admin.
You must be an administrator to access this feature.
Invite, disable, and remove users. Change roles, as needed. For more information, go to Users Page.
Create roles and assign permissions to them for access to objects created in AAC. For more information, go to Roles Page.
Review and edit settings applicable to the workspace. For more information, go to Workspace Settings Page.
Configure workspace access to your enterprise AWS and S3 resources. Go to AWS Account Page.
Private Data Handling enables you to provide enterprise security controls over the data and job execution for your workspace.
This feature is available in the Enterprise Edition only.
For more information, see Private Data Handling.
Define parameters that apply to the entire environment and are available for use by all users. For more information, go to Environment Parameters Page.
Administrators can create and manage clients for accessing an OAuth 2.0 app in an external platform such as a relational datastore.
Before you create an OAuth 2.0 client, you must have created an OAuth 2.0 app in the target system, to which your client can connect. For more information, go to Enable OAuth 2.0 Authentication.
For more information, see OAuth 2.0 Clients Page.
Review quotas and limits on resources for your workspace and how your members are using it. Go to Plan Usage Page.