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Create a New Project

You can create a new project or open an existing project to get started with location intelligence.

  1. To create a new project, select New Project in the Location Intelligence dashboard. The Untitled Project page is displayed. You can rename the project by selecting the name of the project.

  2. In the project page, select Add Layers. The Add Layers dialog box displays.

  3. Select the required dataset. The corresponding dataset is added to the location canvas.


You can select CSV files that have both Latitude and Longitude fields. You can also add custom layers.

Menu options:

Select the three dots next to the dataset to perform the following:

  • Zoom to layer: Moves the view of the map so the boundaries of layers are visible on the screen.

  • Edit Style: Enables you to edit the styling and coloring of the map. Select Edit Style to display the corresponding edit style page:

    • (Optional): From the Style By Attribute drop-down, choose the required attribute. This allows you to define the map style by the values of the selected column.

    • Set the Fill Color, Opacity, and Steps as per your preference. The map is updated with the corresponding styling.

    • Radius: You can change the radius of point layers.

  • Delete: Deletes the dataset.


You can select the eye icon to view or hide the spatial data in the location canvas.