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Add a Credential

To create a new credential for users to use when running workflows, go to the Credentials page of the Server Admin interface.

  1. On the Credentials page, select New.

  2. Enter a Username. The username is the Active Directory username. You can reference an AD account in one of 3 ways:

    • userName, for example, flast. This assumes the domain the server is attached to.

    • netbiosDomainName\userName, for example domain\flast.

    • userName@domain.tld, for example, flast@domain.tld.

  3. Enter a Password. The password has to be 62 or fewer characters.

  4. Select Create.

    To create a new credential for users to use when running workflows, go to the Credentials page of the Server Admin interface.

The Server validates credentials against Windows Active Directory. Valid credentials return a confirmation message.


If the credentials are invalid or don't exist, an error message displays.
