Go to Curator.
A cloud-hosted or self-hosted application for publishing, sharing, and executing workflows. Go to the Gallery help page for info on configuring the Server. Go to the Administer Alteryx Server for info on Server administration.
An app or analytic app is a workflow with a user interface. Using the app interface app users can execute a workflow with their specific data and parameters. You can publish apps to your Server for others to access and run. Go to the Apps and Macros help page for more info.
A user role that grants the user permission to publish, run, and share workflows in the Server UI. Go to the User Roles help page for more info.
The method users use to authenticate to your Server. Server supports built-in authentication, integrated Windows authentication with or without Kerberos support, and SAML authentication. Go to Configure Server Authentication for more info.
The URL that users use to go to the Server UI. In email notifications, the base address is used in links to workflows. The Windows Communication Framework (WCF) technology also uses the base address to see if it needs to handle requests coming in. Go to the Gallery help page for more info.
Server authentication method where users specify an email address and password of their choosing to access the Server UI. Go to Configure Server Authentication for more info.
A collection allows users to share assets (workflows, apps, macros, and insights) with other Server users. Go to the Collections: Admin Interface and Collections: Server User Interface help pages for more info.
The controller handles the management of the service settings and the delegation of work to the workers. In a typical deployment, there is 1 machine enabled as the controller and it is set up to act as a worker as well. Go to the Controller and Configure Controller and Workers help pages for more info.
An auto-generated key used to configure a worker machine to communicate with the controller machine. Go to the Controller and Configure Controller and Workers help pages for more info.
Within the Server Admin interface, curators (Server admins) can save credentials to share with Server users to use when running workflows to allow access to directories and data. Go to the Credentials help page for more info.
A user role that grants Server users access to the Server Admin interface. Go to the User Roles and Admin Interface help pages for more info.
Curators (Server admins) can create data connections to allow Server users to connect to databases. Once configured, these data connections are available for users to select from a list and use. Go to the Data Connections help page for more info.
The initial Server administrator who sets up and manages Server users. Go to the Gallery and Configure Server Authentication for more info.
Alteryx desktop application that provides an intuitive drag-and-drop user interface for authoring and executing analytic applications.
A category used to group shared, public workflows on the homepage. Go to the Districts help page for more info.
Consumes workflows and provides high-speed data processing and analytics functionality. Go to the Engine help page for more info.
A system settings component that includes machine configuration type (Worker, Controller, Gallery), as well as the global workspace for other components to use as a root location for file storage. Go to the Environment help page for more info.
User groups allow admins to more efficiently assign user roles. They also support asset sharing via collections. Go to the Manage Groups help page for more info.
An insight is an interactive dashboard built using the Insight tool. You can publish an insight to your Server for others to view. Go to the Insight Tool help page for more info.
All scheduled and manually-run workflows that are actively processing or queued. Go to the Jobs (Schedules): Admin Interface and Schedules: Server User Interface help pages for more info.
Information about system events, such as services started or shutdown, execution requests, warnings, errors, etc. Use logs to investigate and diagnose issues. Go to Configure and Use Server Logs for more info.
A macro is a workflow or group of tools built into a single tool that you can insert into another workflow. Create a macro to save an analytic process you perform repeatedly. You can publish macros to your Server for others to access and run. Go to the Apps and Macros help page for more info.
A user role that grants the user permission to run workflows that are shared with them via collections. Go to the User Roles help page for more info.
Curators (Server admins) can set up email notifications for various events, for example, Server account registration, password changes, or workflow sharing. Go to the Notifications help page for more info.
A part of the Alteryx service that stores information critical to the functioning of the service, such as application files, the job queue, and result data. Go to the Controller and Gallery help pages for more info.
The Quality of Service (QoS) setting is used to manage resource allocation in an environment where multiple workers are deployed. You can set the QoS per worker to reserve worker resources for higher-priority requests. Go to the Worker help page for more info.
A run as user is a user account that is configured to run workflows. Go to Configure Run As User Permissions for more info about configuring run as user accounts. Using a run as user allows workflows to read and write data to the program files the user has access to. In Server, you can specify a run as user on the worker screen within system settings. Go to the Worker help page for more info. Curators (Server admins) can also add the credentials for user accounts configured to be run as users. Go to the Credentials help page for more info.
User roles are set by Curators (Server admins) in the Server Admin interface. User roles determine the user's level of access to Server users and assets. Go to the User Roles and Permissions help page for more info.
Server authentication method where users access the Server with Identity Provider (IDP) credentials. Go to Configure Alteryx Server Authentication for more info.
Allows users to schedule workflows to run on a specified date and time or a recurring basis. The scheduler connects to either a local or remote instance of the service where the job is queued for execution at the appropriate time. Go to the Jobs (Schedules): Admin Interface and Schedules: Server User Interface help pages for more info.
A scalable service supporting workflow execution and scheduling. It uses a controller-worker architecture which allows it to be deployed across multiple servers.
Sends out email notifications for various events, such as Server account registration, password resets, or shared workflow notifications. Go to Configure SMTP for Server Notifications for more info.
SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption ensures safe and secure communication between Designer and Server, as well as, any communication between a user’s web browser and your company's Private Server. Go to Configure Server SSL/TLS for more info.
A studio (in other words, subscription) is automatically created for each Server user. When a user creates a workflow in Designer and publishes it to the Server UI, the workflow is added to the user's private studio (subscription). Go to the Subscriptions (Studios) help page for more info.
A subscription allows Designer users to publish and share workflows privately to your organization's Server. Curators (Server admins) can create subscriptions and manage the users and workflows assigned to them. Subscriptions are also known as studios. Go to the Subscriptions (Studios) help page for more info.
In a coming release, to streamline your asset management, subscriptions (studios) are going away. Assets will be associated with users rather than a given subscription (studio). If you have assets in your Private Studio these will be associated with your user instead.
If you are using subscriptions (studios) to share assets, we recommend that you migrate shared assets to Collections to prepare for this improvement. Go to Migrate Subscriptions to Collections for more info.
The various settings, including the Environment, Controller, Worker, Gallery, and Engine components, that you configure after Server installation. Go to the System Settings help page for more info.
TLS (Transport Layer Security) encryption ensures safe and secure communication between Designer and Server, as well as, any communication between a user’s web browser and your company's Private Server. Go to Configure Server SSL/TLS for more info.
Allows you to brand the Server with your organization's name, logo, and colors. If you choose not to customize the Server, the default theme is used. Go to the Theme help page for more info.
A user role that grants the user permission to run public workflows on the homepage and in districts. Go to the User Roles help page for more info.
Server authentication method where users access the Server UI with internal network credentials. Go to Configure Alteryx Server Authentication for more info.
Server authentication method where users access the Server UI with internal network credentials using Kerberos authentication protocols. Go to Configure Alteryx Server Authentication for more info.
Workers are responsible for executing analytic workflows. There has to be at least 1 worker machine to execute applications through the service. You can configure the same machine to be both the controller and a worker. Go to the Worker and Configure Controller and Workers help pages for more info.