The Diagnostics page of the Server Admin interface provides visibility into user and asset information on the Server and worker machines in a Server environment.
Use the Diagnostics page to monitor the number of users, assets, collections, studios, credentials, schedules, and jobs on the Server. You can also view the number of worker machines that are connected and identify constraints in resources impacting performance.
Total Apps: The total number of all versions of workflows, apps, and macros saved on the server, including those that users have deleted.
Published Apps: The number of workflows, apps, and macros made public in My Company's Server.
Deleted Apps: The number of workflows, apps, and macros that users have deleted.
Total Users: The total number of active and inactive users in the MongoDB.
Active Users: The number of users marked as active.
Disabled Users: The number of users marked as inactive.
Total Collections: The total number of collections created.
Apps in Collections: The total number of workflows, apps, and macros shared in all collections. If a workflow is in 2 collections, it is counted twice.
Users in Collections: The total number of users in all collections. If a user is in 2 collections, it is counted twice.
Studios: The total number of studios (subscriptions) created.
Credentials: The total number of credentials created for running workflows.
Schedules: The total number of schedules created for running workflows that have a valid next run date. Schedules that will no longer run are not included.
Active Jobs: The total number of jobs that are queued, initialized, or running.
Data Connections: The total number of data connections.
AMP: An AMP icon displays if the Server admin has enabled the Alteryx Multithreaded Processing (AMP) engine for the environment. Go to the Controller help page for more info.
Available Workers: The total number of workers communicating with the controller.
Worker: The hostname of the worker machine.
CPU: The percentage of the current CPU usage for a specific worker.
Memory: The percentage of the current memory usage for a specific worker.
AMP: The AMP icon displays if the Server admin has set up the worker to run AMP workflows. Go to the Engine help page for more info.
Run Unassigned Jobs?: If Yes, the worker has been configured to run jobs that have not been assigned a job tag.
Job Tags: The tag added when configuring the worker that can be used to assign a specific worker to run a job. Job tags are selected when users create a schedule or run a workflow.
CPU: The percentage of the current CPU usage for all connected workers.
Memory: The percentage of the current memory usage for all connected workers.
CPU and Memory data is not persisted in the database. If the service is restarted, the data is lost.