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Compare Values

Depending on the data type, you can compare values in separate columns or single columns against fixed values.

Compare Numeric Values

You can use basic comparison operators to perform comparisons on your data. In this example, the compareCol column is generated as the evaluation of 3 < 6, which is true:

Transformation Name

New formula

Parameter: Formula type

Single row formula

Parameter: Formula

(3 < 6)

Parameter: New column name


For more information, see Comparison Operators.

Compare Boolean Values

Boolean values can be true or false, so comparisons like the following can be applied to a Boolean set of values:

Transformation Name

Edit column with formula

Parameter: Columns


Parameter: Formula

IF(isSeated == true,true,Attendance)

In the above case, the value in Attendance is set to true if the value in the isSeated column is true. Otherwise, the current value in Attendance is used.

Compare Date Values

You can use the DATEDIF function to compare two date values, as in the following, which compares the number of days between startCol and endCol values:


Both parameters of the DATEDIF function must be column references containing valid date values.

Transformation Name

New formula

Parameter: Formula type

Single row formula

Parameter: Formula

DATEDIF(startCol, endCol, 'day')

Parameter: New column name


Compare String Values

See Compare Strings.