The following formatting can be applied to Integer and Decimal types or to String values that are being converted to numeric types.
Designer Cloud supports Java number formatting strings, with some exceptions.
Code | Description | Example Format String | Example Inputs | Example Outputs |
# | Insert a digit if it is present in the data. | | 99 999 1000 10000 | 99 999 1,000 10,000 |
0 | Indicate required digits. If a digit is not available in the source, inserts zero in the data. | '00.##' | 20 7.1 | 20.00 07.1 |
$ | You can add constants values to the expression. For example, you can insert currency markers at the beginning of your expression. 注記 The following currency formats are supported: $", "€", "£", "¥", "₩", "₹", "NT$", "R$", "R", "Rs", "Kr Whitespace is respected, except in the following case. | '$ ##.##' | 20 2514.22 6.6666 | $ 20 $ 2514.22 $ 6.67 |
(space) | You can use space as a grouping separator. When space is used to group sets of digits, all other whitespace in the value is trimmed. | '$ ###.##' where space is used as grouping separator. | 123456.78 £ 123456.78 | $123 456.78 $123 456.78 |
% | Percentage expressions can be at the back of the number formatting expression. 注記 When the percentage sign is added to the format string, the value is automatically multiplied by 100. When the format string is used with the NUMVALUE function, the value is automatically divided by 100 to return the decimal value. | '##.## %' | 0.20 14.22 6.6666 | 20 % 1422 % 666.67 % |
- | Negative value indicators can be added to the front part of the number formatting string.
注記 After the formatting has been applied, type inference may be re-applied to the column, which can change the data type of the column. | '-###,###.00' | 123 -123 1234.56 -1234.56 | -123.00 --123.00 -1234.56 --1234.56 |
Some functions support the use of specifying key codes for grouping and decimal separators:
Formats a numeric set of values according to the specified number formatting. Source values can be a literal numeric value, a function returning a numeric value, or reference to a column containing an Integer or Decimal values.NUMVALUE Function
Converts a string formatted as a number into an Integer or Decimal value by parsing out the specified decimal and group separators. A string or a function returning formatted numbers of String type or a column containing formatted numbers of string type can be inputs.
Separators must be specified when using the NUMVALUE function.
Grouping and decimal separators can be used to format values for specific locales. Below, you can see how you can format values for locales.
Example Locale | Grouping Separator | Decimal Separator | Example Formatting | Example Output |
U.S locale | Comma ( | Period ( | NUMFORMAT(SUM(1000000,DIVIDE(1,100)),'###,###.00',',','.') | 1,000,000.01 |
Spanish locale | Period ( | Comma ( | NUMFORMAT(SUM(1000000,DIVIDE(1,100)),'###,###.00','.',',') | 1.000.000,01 |
French locale | Space | Comma ( | NUMFORMAT(SUM(1000000,DIVIDE(1,100)),'###,###.00',' ',',') | 1 000 000,01 |
Input | Example Format String | Grouping Separator | Decimal Separator | Output |
123.45 | ##.00 | , | . | 123.45 |
123.4 | ##.00 | , | . | 123.40 |
1234 | #,### | , | . | 1,234 |
1234.5 | #,###.# | , | . | 1,234.5 |
1234.56 | #,###.## | , | . | 1,234.56 |
1234 | ###,# | . | , | 1.234 |
1234.56 | ###,# | . | , | 1.234,56 |
1234 | #,## | . | , | 1.234 |
1234 | #.###,0 | . | , | 1.234,0 |
123.45 | ##,# | space | , | 123,45 |
1234 | # ### | space | , | 1 234 |
1234.5 | # ###,# | space | , | 1 234,5 |
1234.56 | # ###,## | space | , | 1 234,56 |