A finance function applies financial algorithms or mathematical calculations.
Not all functions are supported between Standard mode and Cloud Native mode tools. For a list of supported functions, go to the respective Standard mode and Could Native mode function lists found on the Formula tool page.
FinanceCAGR(BeginningValue, EndingValue, NumYears)
: Calculates Compound Annual Growth Rate: The geometric mean growth rate on an annualized basis.
FinanceEffectiveRate(NominalRate, PaymentsPerYear)
: Calculates Effective Annual Interest Rate: The interest rate on a loan or financial product restated from the nominal interest rate as an interest rate with an annual compound interest payable in arrears.
FinanceFV(Rate, NumPayments, PaymentAmount, PresentValue, PayAtPeriodBegin)
: Calculates Future Value of an Investment: The value of an asset at a specified time in the future assuming a certain interest rate or rate of return.
FinanceFVSchedule(Principle, Year1Rate, Year2Rate)
: Calculates Future Value Schedule: The future value of an initial principal after applying a series of interest rates to an investment.
FinanceIRR(Value1, Value2)
: Calculates Internal Rate of Return: The interest rate at which the costs of the investment lead to the benefits of the investment. This means that all gains from the investment are inherent to the time value of money and that the investment has a zero net present value at this interest rate.
FinanceMIRR(FinanceRate, ReinvestRate, Value1, Value2)
: Calculates Modified Internal Rate of Return: A modification of the internal rate of return that aims to resolve some problems with the IRR. The MIRR is a financial measure of an investment's attractiveness.
FinanceMXIRR(FinanceRate, ReinvestRate, Value1, Date1, Value2, Date2)
: Calculates Modified Internal Rate of Return of an investment with dates.
FinanceNominalRate(EffectiveRate, PaymentsPerYear)
: Calculates Nominal Annual Interest Rate: An interest rate is called nominal if the frequency of compounding (such as a month) is not identical to the basic time unit (normally a year).
FinanceNPER(Rate, PaymentAmount, PresentValue, FutureValue, PayAtPeriodBegin)
: Calculates the Number of periods for an investment or loan.
FinanceNPV(Rate, Value1, Value2)
: Calculates Net Present Value of an investment: Measures the excess or shortfall of cash flows, in present value terms, once financing charges are met.
FinancePMT(Rate, NumPayments, PresentValue, FutureValue, PayAtPeriodBegin)
: Calculates payments on a loan.
FinancePV(Rate, NumPayments, PaymentAmount, FutureValue, PayAtPeriodBegin)
: Calculates Present Value of an investment: The value on a given date of a future payment, or series of future payments, discounted to reflect the time value of money and other factors such as investment risk.
FinanceRate(NumPayments, PaymentAmount, PresentValue, FutureValue, PayAtPeriodBegin)
: Calculates the interest rate (per period).
FinanceXIRR(Value1, Date1, Value2, Date2)
: Calculates the Internal Rate of Return of an investment with dates.
FinanceXNPV(Rate, Value1, Date1, Value2, Date2)
: Calculates the Net Present Value of an investment with dates.