You can search and replace for specific values in a column.
Select the column containing the value you wish to replace.
In the Selection Details panel on the right side, click the appropriate bar under Unique Values. All matching values are selected within the column.
Right-click the bar and select Replace Values....
A pre-configured transformation appears in the Transform Builder. Example:
Transformation Name
Replace cells
Parameter: Column
Parameter: Find
Parameter: Replace with
You can search for multiple items within the same column. Add other search values in additional Find textboxes.
Add your value in the Replace with textbox.
Click Add.
All matching cell values in the column are replaced with your entered value.
For more information, see Selection Details Panel.
If you do not know the column, click the Filter tool in the Transformer bar.
Click the Rows tab and enter the value to locate. Only rows where the value appears are displayed in the data grid. Each instance of the matching value is highlighted.
Locate the column containing the specific highlighted values to replace. Select the value.
In the Suggestions panel, locate the Replace transformation card.
Select the variant of the Replace transformation that contains the specific value you selected. Then, click Edit.
A pre-configured transformation appears in the Transform Builder. Example:
Transformation Name
Replace text or patterns
Parameter: Column
Parameter: Find
Parameter: Replace
Enter your replacement value in the Replace with textbox.
Click Add.
All matching values in the column are replaced with your entered value.
For more information, see Filter Panel.