Use the Image to Text tool to extract text from BLOB image files created by the Image Input tool. You can also use this tool to perform automatic table detection.
Alteryx Intelligence Suite Required
This tool is part of Alteryx Intelligence Suite. Intelligence Suite requires a separate license and add-on installer to Designer. After you install Designer, install Intelligence Suite and start your free trial.
The Image to Text tool doesn't support Null or Empty rows.
The Image to Text tool has 3 anchors:
D input anchor: Use the D input anchor to connect the PDF image you want to convert. You can use the Image Input tool to bring images into your workflow.
T input anchor: Use the T input anchor to connect annotations from the Image Template tool.
Output anchor: Use the output anchor to pass the converted text downstream. To view the full output for each image, use the Browse tool.
Add an Image Input tool to the canvas and connect it to the Image to Text tool.
Select the Image you want to extract text from.
Identify the Language of the text contained in the image.
If you’ve connected the Image Template tool and all pages have the same layout, select Apply First Page of Annotations in Image Template to All Pages.
Run the workflow to convert the image to text.
If you are converting images to text using the D anchor, Image to Text creates a column in the dataset. Each row in the column contains text from the pages of the PDF image. If you use the T anchor, the tool outputs a table that matches the table detected in the image files you provide.