Connection Type | ODBC (64-bit) |
Type of Support | Read & Write, In-Database |
Validated On | Database Version: 2.11.0-cdh6.0.0 ODBC Client Version: |
For more information about the Simba ODBC driver, see the Simba ODBC documentation.
The Impala ODBC driver supports both the Impala write capability and HDFS connection options via one of the following two methods:
For a standard workflow use the Output Data Tool. Select the Hadoop connection option, and then select HDFS Avro or HDFS CSV for the File Format.
For an In-Database workflow use the Connect In-DB Tool or the Data Stream In Tool. Establish a Read connection. On the Write tab select HDFS Avro or HDFS (CSV) for the Driver.
To write a table with field names that total more than 4000 characters, use CSV instead of Avro.
When creating field names and writing queries in Impala, note that identifiers (names of databases, tables or columns) in Impala have certain restrictions. While reserved keywords are supported, other identifiers are not supported. For example:
Identifiers cannot have a space.
Identifiers cannot begin with a number (for example, 1st is invalid).
Identifiers can only be alphanumeric (for example, no percent sign (tax%), dollar sign (money$), symbols (>, < etc.), or any other non-ASCII characters.
Identifiers are case insensitive (for example, T1 and t1 are the same identifier).
Quoted fields in table styles are not supported.
Unicode® characters are not supported.
Delete and Append statements are not supported.
Strings are limited to 32,767 bytes.
The TINYINT data type range is -128 to 127 and therefore needs to be mapped to INT16.
Due to an Impala database limitation, you cannot select a table with the Connect In-DB tool and then write to HDFS Avro with either the Overwrite Table (Drop) or Create New Table Creation Mode in the Write Data In-DB tool.