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AlteryxEngine API Overview

The Alteryx Engine API allows you to call into the Alteryx Engine. This provides you with the ability to build applications that can programmatically execute Alteryx Designer workflows.

To do this, link your application with the Alteryx.lib library, and then call into the engine using the methods defined in the AlteryxEngineAPI.h header. The engine checks that Alteryx is licensed whenever it receives a request to execute a workflow.


  • A licensed copy of Alteryx.

  • Knowledge of C++

You can download the AlteryxSDK from the Alteryx Designer installation folder:

C:\Program Files\Alteryx\APIs\


Workflows and applications can be executed in 1 of 2 ways: A separate child process, and in-process. The calling convention for the 2 styles differs only in the name of the method, so it is easy to switch back and forth between them. The child process is recommended because it isolates the calling application from unexpected runtime errors. There is a small performance penalty with a child process when messages are marshaled between the engine and the caller. The Alteryx Engine API Methods and Callbacks help pages provide a description, syntax, parameters and example:

  • Alteryx Engine API Methods: A collection of methods used for workflow interactions. For example, you can change the configuration of the engine before running a workflow or query the currently installed version of Alteryx.

  • Alteryx Engine API Callbacks: Callbacks allow you to define a function that the Alteryx Engine will call based on certain events.

  • See Alteryx Engine API Example for an example of using Methods and Callbacks together.

Use the Alteryx Engine API Checklist

  • Build your application.

  • Link your application with the Alteryx.lib library.

  • Call into the engine using the methods defined in the AlteryxEngineAPI.h header.
