Connection properties display information about the data passed between tools. To view the properties and configuration option, select the connection arrow between any 2 tools. Select a tool to display the incoming and outgoing connector indicators.
Enter a name in this box if you want to display a name on the connection in the workflow.
Tools that accept multiple connections will name the connections automatically based on the order in which they are drawn: #1, #2, etc. If you want to rename these, you can do so via the Connection Configuration window. Tools like the Join tool, Find Replace tool, Union tool, Spatial Match tool, Find Nearest tool, Append Fields tool, and Join Multiple tool all have multiple input streams.
A named connection can be useful for referencing a Condition tool when building an App or a Macro.
When you check the Wireless box, the connection arrows are set to be invisible.
Input and output anchors are marked with a wireless symbol to indicate a wireless connection. The color of the bars is indicative of how many connections are coming into or out of the anchor. One bar indicates one connection, 2 bars indicate 2 connections, and 3 bars indicate 3 or more connections.
The Fields section displays the schema view of the data stream being passed between tools. Field order is displayed with Field number, Field Name, Type, Size, and Source.
Number: The numerical order in which a field appears in the table.
Name: The name of the data field.
Type: The kind of data contained within the field.
Size: The length of the field.
Source: Contains the tool or the file the field came from. It might also contain additional Metainfo, like a specific dataset from a plugin. The tools that report metainfo include Allocate Input tool, Allocate Append tool, CASS tool, Street Geocoder tool, R tool, and tools that calculate drivetimes, like the Trade Area tool, Distance tool, and Find Nearest tool.
Description: Demographic tools like the Allocate Input tool and the Allocate Append tool include the full variable name in the description field, indicating the origin of a particular field.