Connection Type | ODBC (64-bit) |
Type of Support | Read & Write |
Validated On | Database Version: 3.00.01 ODBC Client Version: |
For more information about the Simba ODBC driver, see the Simba ODBC documentation.
In order to fully support the reading and writing of camel case keyspaces, tables, and columns, the user must have the Simba driver option "Enable Case Sensitive" selected and set the Alteryx "Table/Fieldname SQL style" to "quoted".
Binary column length set to 300000 (default is 4000).
String column length set to 300000 (default is 4000).
The user must specify primary keys to create Cassandra tables.
Alteryx does not support creation of clustering keys. All keys selected are treated as a partition key: PRIMARY KEY((key1,key2)).
The user must specify the keyspace along with the table name when using the output tool. For example, keyspace.tablename.
The Simba Cassandra driver converts all datetime/timestamp data into GMT, therefore any DateTime data written from Alteryx to Cassandra is converted to GMT. Any data already in Cassandra is read by Alteryx and translated to GMT and the user can then convert to a known time zone.
Alteryx Date and DateTime gets imported to Cassandra as a Timestamp.
Alteryx Time gets imported to Cassandra as a varchar.
There is a driver enforced limit that restricts dates to valid dates in the Gregorian calendar, which means valid year range is 1601 to 9999.
Map, List, and Set data types are not supported.
The Primary Key is not indicated in Active Query Builder when importing tables from Cassandra