Alteryx Licensing & Downloads Portal 23.1
These options aren't available in the new Alteryx Licensing & Downloads portal experience. Go to View Licenses or Manage Accounts and Users to see available options.
A license administrator can map an additional license to an existing machine. This process maps an additional license to a machine that already exists in the Alteryx Downloads and Licenses portal.
Visit Administer Machines for more information.
To activate a license key on a machine by mapping a license from a list of products...
Select Machines > Administer Machines.
Select a machine to view Machine Details.
On the Machine Details page, select Action > Activate By Product. The system displays all licenses available to map to the machine.
In the Qty to add column, enter the number of seats to add to the machine using the number 1 or greater.
When you finish, select Save.
The system displays a success message. The status of the newly mapped license key is License not generated until the user opens Alteryx.
To map a license seat to a specific machine using a license key...
Select a machine to view Machine Details.
Select Action > Activate by License Key.
Enter or paste your License keys, one per line.
Select the Validate button.
In Qty to add, enter the number of seats to add to the machine using the number 1 or greater.
Select Save.
The system displays a success message. The status of the newly mapped license key is License not generated until the user opens Alteryx.