Alteryx Designer-FIPS version 2022.1 was the first release of Designer that offers a FIPS 140-2 capable option for customers that require FIPS compliance. Please note that FIPS standards are developed by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for use by US government agencies and contractors. For more information about FIPS, go to the NIST FIPS FAQ page.
The general (non-FIPS) release version of Alteryx Designer is not FIPS capable. A separate release (and installer) is available under separate license terms, for our FIPS 140-2 customers.
Designer Versus Designer-FIPS
If you’ve previously used Alteryx Designer, you might notice that certain Designer tools and features are either not available or offer limited functionality with the Alteryx Designer-FIPS 2022.1 release. Over time, we plan to make many of these tools and features available again in future Alteryx Designer-FIPS releases.
Alteryx Designer version 2023.1 offers separate GA and FIPS 140-2 capable products. For more information about FIPS, go to the NIST FIPS FAQ page.
The general release version of Alteryx Designer is not FIPS capable. A separate release (and installer) is available under separate license terms, for our FIPS 140-2 customers.
Please note that certain tools and features might be limited or not available in Alteryx Designer-FIPS. Over time, we will continue to evaluate which tools and features to make available again in future Alteryx Designer-FIPS releases.
You can read about the differences on these pages:
Alteryx Designer version 2022.3 offers separate GA and FIPS 140-2 capable products. For more information about FIPS, go to the NIST FIPS FAQ page.
The general release version of Alteryx Designer is not FIPS capable. A separate release (and installer) is available under separate license terms, for our FIPS 140-2 customers.
Please note that certain tools and features might be limited or not available in Alteryx Designer-FIPS. Over time, we will continue to evaluate which tools and features to make available again in future Alteryx Designer-FIPS releases.
You can read about the differences on these pages:
The 2022.2 release of Alteryx Designer-FIPS introduces features and tools that were not available via the initial 2022.1 release. Go to these resources to learn more:
If you have previously used Alteryx Designer, please note that some features that you typically find in Designer are not available in Alteryx Designer-FIPS.
To learn about Designer features that are not available, or have limited functionality, in the current Alteryx Designer-FIPS release, go to Alteryx Designer and FIPS: Feature Differences.
To learn about Designer tools that are either not available, or have limited functionality in the current FIPS 140-2 release, go to Alteryx Designer and FIPS: Tool Differences.
This table lists non-compliant 3rd-party libraries that are used in our FIPS 140-2 release.[1]
Library | Algorithms | Purpose |
AG Grid | MD5 | Used internally for AG Grid license validation. |
[1]: Alteryx found that these libraries contain some limited use of non-compliant cryptographic algorithms. We assert that the use of these 3rd-party libraries is not for any security-related purposes.