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Microsoft OneDrive

Connection Type

Alteryx Tool. The latest version is available from the Alteryx Marketplace.

Type of Support

Read & Write




  • Compatible with Designer 2021.4.2 Patch 4, 2022.1 Patch 2 and later.

  • Compatible with AMP engine only.

  • Added support for DCM.

    • DCM is required for running this connector on Alteryx Server.

  • FIPS capable.

  • Added option to overwrite only one sheet.

  • Changed the behavior of sheet name field to be excluded from the written data. Added option to keep the sheet name field.

  • SSL/TLS validation is now performed against Windows Certificate Store.


  • Authentication occurs using user's browser instead of embedded CEF in Designer to comply with modern security policies.


  • Fixed issue with tool configuration being lost in case of "Provide authentication Information" being enabled.


  • Fixed blank screen issue when authenticating in Designer 2021.3.2.54175. Please note that you also need to update to Designer or later.


  • Built-in multitenant Azure App with an option to use a custom Azure App (including single-tenant app or Service Principal).

  • Supports reading and writing XLSX, CSV, and YXDB file formats.

  • Proxy support.

  • Compatible with Alteryx Designer version 2021.2.2 and later.

  • Requires OneDrive 365.


  • Update Code Page options.

  • Distinguish between encodings with same language (for example, 'Language' -> 'Language (specific code)') and ordered encodings alphabetically.

  • Allow user to specify encoding for CSV files on output tool.

  • Improved data conversion handling to not throw a warning instead of an error when a field is missing a value.

  • Fix issue where default value settings were occasionally not respected.

  • Disabled production logging to prevent permissions issues for different installations/configurations of Designer and support scheduled workflow functionality.


  • Fixed issue preventing packages from being installed successfully.


  • Initial release for OneDrive Input and OneDrive Output.

Alteryx Tools Used to Connect

Data Connection Manager

The OneDrive tools version 2.2.0 and later support Data Connection Manager for an easier and a safer storage of your credentials. Create a connection to OneDrive and easily reuse the stored credentials in workflows that include the OneDrive tools. Alteryx Server requires stored credentials to successfully run the published workflows.

Enable AMP Engine

Make sure you have the AMP engine enabled for the workflows which contain the OneDrive tools version 2.2.0 and later.

Custom Microsoft Azure API Application Setup

To set up a custom API application for this tool, see our guide.Set Up Microsoft Azure API Application