One Tool Example
Map has a One Tool Example. Go to Sample Workflows to learn how to access this and many other examples directly in Alteryx Designer.
Use Map to display an interactive map for a user to draw or select map objects within an app or macro. The selection is passed to downstream tools. This tool has an optional input connector that can accept a dropdown list of available base maps. See the base map overview below for more information.
Enter the text or question to be displayed: The text defines how to use the Map control.
Base Map: The background map layers are presented. Under Base Map, select the [None] dropdown list, then select a base map.
Select/Draw: The number of features you can select or draw, limited to a single feature.
Zoom To: The initial zoom presented to you.
Default: The entire continental US.
Custom: A customized field of view. Select Edit Bounds to customize using the Select Map Bounds window. Use the pan and zoom controls to position the map, and select OK to save the custom zoom.
Reference File: A specified reference map file.
Reference Layer: A reference layer for you to use. By default, you don't see a reference layer.
None: No reference layer is used.
File Browse Question (must be connected): Requires a File Browse tool. This option is selected automatically when you connect a File Browse tool to the Map tool. The map updates to display spatial objects when the end user selects a file that contains spatial data. A dropdown is also enabled to allow users to select labels for the spatial objects.
Reference File: The reference file's File Path and Label Field—a column containing the label data.
Mode: The method of interaction available to you.
Select from Reference Layer: Select objects from the map layer. The selected objects are used as the app input.
Draw: Draws an object on the map layer.
Select from which object User Can Draw: Points, Lines, and Polygons.
Select User Can Label Features to allow the user to add labels to the objects created.