Alteryx Designer installation options include administrator and non-administrator. The 14-day trial uses the non-administrator version only and does not include an option for the administrator version.
Follow best practices for your organization when you consider which installation of Alteryx you want to download and install. If you install both the admin and non-admin versions you might risk having two different versions of Alteryx on a machine at the same time. Generally, the admin installation applies to all users on a machine while the non-admin installation does not.
The admin installation applies to all users on a machine and installs in the system Program Files directory at C:\Program Files\Alteryx
The admin installation also includes Scheduler. Scheduler requires a Scheduler license.
Use the admin installations if you are distributing Alteryx through an IT installation.
An Admin installation will remove a previously installed Admin version during installation.
The non-admin installation...
Only applies to the user who installed Alteryx.
Installs into the User App Data space at
C:\Users\user name\AppData\Local\Alteryx
.Does not support Microsoft DFS installations.
Does not require the user to have admin privileges on the machine.
Can be run side-by-side with an admin installation of Alteryx.
A non-admin installation removes a previously installed non-admin version.
To activate a license online, make sure the computer can contact the web domain used by the Alteryx licensing system.
If you have uninstalled the product from the computer or are moving to a new computer, you must 1st download, install, and open Alteryx to start the activation process.
Once a license key is associated with a computer and a user's email address, it can only be used on that computer.
Installation and activation without administrator privileges creates a user-only installation.
Installation and activation with admin privileges creates a machine installation.
To install Alteryx on the machine, sign in to the machine as an administrator of the machine. Follow the download, installation, and activation process.
To install Alteryx for a single user of the machine, sign in to the machine as a non-administrator of the machine. Follow the download, installation, and activation process.
When a user tries to license, Alteryx 1st tries to put the license into C:\ProgramData\SRC\LicenseManager
If the user doesn't have the appropriate access, the license is placed in C:\Users\user name\AppData\Roaming\Alteryx\SRC\LicenseManager
To check if licensed, Alteryx looks in both locations.
If someone with admin-level permissions installs and licenses Admin Designer or Server, any non-admin users using Alteryx on that machine need read+write-access to the C:\ProgramData\SRC\LicenseManager
to appear licensed.
When a user tries to license, Alteryx 1st tries to put the license into C:\ProgramData\SRC\LicenseManager
If the user doesn't have the appropriate access the license is placed in C:\Users\user name\AppData\Roaming\Alteryx\SRC\LicenseManager
To check if licensed, Alteryx looks in both locations.
If someone with admin-level permissions installs and licenses Admin Designer or Server, any non-admin users using Alteryx on that machine need read-access to the C:\ProgramData\SRC\LicenseManager
to appear licensed.