The Glossary contains a listing of key business terms identified by your organization for structuring and navigating content. When Alteryx Connect is initially installed, the Glossary contains a few common business terms as a starting point. You can add individual terms directly to the Glossary, but if you have multiple terms to add, it may be more convenient to export the Glossary to Excel and have an administrator re-import the revised file.
From the Home screen, select Glossary.
In the lower-right corner of the window, select the Create (+) button.
In the Create Entry window, type a Title for the term and select Create.
Provide additional information for the new term, including any alternate (alias) names and a description (definition).
Select Save.
From the Home screen, select Glossary.
Near the upper-right corner, select the
button and select Export to Excel.
Save the Glossary.xls file to your computer.
Open Glossary.xls and select the "term" tab.
Edit the following columns to add new terms to the Glossary:
parent: Copy the parent ID from the other rows and paste into any new term rows.
parent_field: entries
description: The definition for the new term, enclosed in <p> and </p> tags.
entryName: The term name.
entrySynonym: Optionally type a synonym for the term.
Save the Excel file and send it to an Alteryx Connect administrator to upload to the Alteryx Connect database. Administrators, see Upload the Glossary File.