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Executar a ferramenta de preparo para migração


Only use this tool to migrate from Server version 2022.2 or earlier. The encryption mechanism was updated in the 2022.3 version.

Antes de começar

A ferramenta de preparo para migração cria uma cópia em etapas dos dados de fluxo de trabalho armazenados em seu banco de dados. Durante esse processo, a ferramenta de preparo para migração fornecerá uma estimativa do espaço necessário para prosseguir. Não prossiga a menos que haja espaço suficiente disponível.


Você deve verificar manualmente se há espaço suficiente disponível para concluir este processo. A ferramenta de preparo para migração não pode verificar o espaço disponível.

Etapa 1: instale a ferramenta de preparo para migração

  1. Download the installer at and run it.

  2. Accept the EULA. Select Next.

  3. To change the installation location, select Change. Or select Next to accept the default location.

  4. Follow the prompts to complete the installation.

Etapa 2: inicie a ferramenta de preparo para migração

  1. Open a Command Prompt or PowerShell.

  2. Navigate to the chosen installation path (Default: C:\Program Files\Alteryx Migration Tool\).

  3. Run one of the commands to run the Migration Prep Tool. Note: If you use PowerShell, add .\ to the start of each command. You can run this operation on any host that has access to the MongoDB server. You can safely run it multiple times without downtime.

    For multi-node setup, the IP Address/Hostname, Controller Token and NON_ADMIN_MONGO_PASSWORD should be of the machine where controller node is running according to the configuration done during the multi-node setup.

    For single node, the details should be of the same machine where Alteryx Server is installed.

How to use the examples:

Replace these variables in the connection string with the values appropriate for your environment. These are the same credentials used to configure your Server database and can be found in Alteryx System Settings.

  • {authenticationDB} = the database that will authenticate the specified user credential.

    • If your Server is configured to use the embedded MongoDB, use the non-admin MongoDB password. In the connection string, your authSource should be ‘AlteryxService’.

    • For user-managed MongoDB, contact your MongoDB administrator to confirm the user credentials and authSource.

  • {port} = the service port MongoDB uses to provide access to the database.

  • {host.domain.tld} = the fully qualified domain name of your MongoDB server.

  • {password} = credential for the user.

  • {user} = username to access the database.

  • {} = the MongoDB Atlas cluster address.



Embedded MongoDB

Note: NON_ADMIN_MONGO_PASSWORD',’CONTROLLER_TOKEN’ and 'localhost' should be changed based on your current setup.

Both App Chunk and RunAS_Credentials Migration

AlteryxServiceMigrator22_2.exe -p -c "mongodb://user:NON_ADMIN_MONGO_PASSWORD@localhost:27018/AlteryxService?authSource=AlteryxService" -i <host/IP_Address> -t <Controller_Token>

App Chunk Migration Only

AlteryxServiceMigrator22_2.exe --appsonly -c "mongodb://user:NON_ADMIN_MONGO_PASSWORD@localhost:27018/AlteryxService?authSource=AlteryxService" -i <host/IP_Address> -t <Controller_Token>

RunAs_Credential Migration Only

AlteryxServiceMigrator22_2.exe --credonly -c "mongodb://user:NON_ADMIN_MONGO_PASSWORD@localhost:27018/AlteryxService?authSource=AlteryxService" -i <host/IP_Address> -t <Controller_Token>

User-Managed MongoDB

Note: ‘Password’, ‘port’, ‘host.domain.tld’ and ‘authenticationDB’ should be changed based on your current MongoDB instance.

Both App Chunk and RunAS_Credentials Migration

AlteryxServiceMigrator22_2.exe -p -c "mongodb://user:password@{host.domain.tld}:{port}/AlteryxService?authSource={authenticationDB} -i <host/IP_Address> -t <Controller_Token>

App Chunk Migration Only

AlteryxServiceMigrator22_2.exe --appsonly -c "mongodb://user:password@{host.domain.tld}:{port}/AlteryxService?authSource={authenticationDB} -i <host/IP_Address> -t <Controller_Token>

RunAs_Credential Migration Only

AlteryxServiceMigrator22_2.exe --credonly -c "mongodb://user:password@{host.domain.tld}:{port}/AlteryxService?authSource={authenticationDB} -i <host/IP_Address> -t <Controller_Token>

MongoDB Replica Sets

Both App Chunk and RunAS_Credentials Migration

AlteryxServiceMigrator22_2.exe -p -c "mongodb://{user}:{password}@{host1.domain.tld}:{port},{host2.domain.tld}:{port},{host3.domain.tld}:{port}/AlteryxService?authSource={authenticationDB}" -i <host/IP_Address> -t <Controller_Token>

App Chunk Migration Only

AlteryxServiceMigrator22_2.exe –-appsonly -c "mongodb://{user}:{password}@{host1.domain.tld}:{port},{host2.domain.tld}:{port},{host3.domain.tld}:{port}/AlteryxService?authSource={authenticationDB}" -i <host/IP_Address> -t <Controller_Token>

RunAs_Credential Migration Only

AlteryxServiceMigrator22_2.exe --credonly -c "mongodb://{user}:{password}@{host1.domain.tld}:{port},{host2.domain.tld}:{port},{host3.domain.tld}:{port}/AlteryxService?authSource={authenticationDB}" -i <host/IP_Address> -t <Controller_Token>

MongoDB Atlas

Both App Chunk and RunAS_Credentials Migration

AlteryxServiceMigrator22_2.exe -p -c "mongodb+srv://{user}:{password}@{}/AlteryxService?retryWrites=true&amp;w=majority" -i <host/IP_Address> -t <Controller_Token>

App Chunk Migration Only

AlteryxServiceMigrator22_2.exe –-appsonly -c "mongodb+srv://{user}:{password}@{}/AlteryxService?retryWrites=true&amp;w=majority" -i <host/IP_Address> -t <Controller_Token>

RunAs_Credential Migration Only

AlteryxServiceMigrator22_2.exe --credonly -c "mongodb+srv://{user}:{password}@{}/AlteryxService?retryWrites=true&amp;w=majority" -i <host/IP_Address> -t <Controller_Token>

Command Parameters
  • -h [ --help ] display help info

  • -q [ --quiet ] output log messages to the command line (progress messages ignore this flag)

  • -s [ --severity ] arg (=7) console logging severity level (migration progress reports are sent at level 5)

  • -p [ --perform ] perform migration

  • --appsonly perform chunk migration only, with no preflight check

  • --credonly perform preflight check with no chunk migration

  • -u [ --forcenoprogressupdates ] disable progress update messages from being written to the console (they are still written to the log file)

  • -c [ --connection ] arg connection string (AlteryxService database must be specified)

  • -i [ --hostname ] arg   HostName|ip Address of Controller

  • -t [ --controllertoken ] arg   Controller Token to retrieve the Keys

  • -l [ --loggingpath ] arg (=C:\ProgramData\Alteryx) logging file path, must contain a %N for log rotation purposes

  • --loggingmaxfilesize arg (=64) maximum size in MB for a log file before it gets rotated

  • -d [ --stagingdirectory ] arg directory where decrypted workflows will be temporarily stored before getting re-encrypted

What Happens Next?
  • When the migration starts, it will prompt you to confirm you have made a backup of the database and your runtime settings file.

  • Once you confirm the backups, the utility checks the current space usage. It gives you an estimate of the additional space needed for the migration. You must check your system and continue only if you are sure that you have sufficient free space available to proceed.

  • After you have confirmed that there is sufficient space available, the utility begins migrating the workflow data. You will see console messages indicating the start time and completion time, along with progress messages.

Solução de problemas

Se ocorrer um erro durante a migração, ele será exibido no console e também será capturado no arquivo de log.

Se você encontrar um erro, siga estas etapas:

  1. Faça uma captura de tela do prompt de comando.

  2. Oculte ou remova os dados confidenciais.

  3. Capture o log (consulte as etapas de validação para localização e nomeação).

  4. Execute a migração novamente.

  5. Se a migração não for bem-sucedida novamente, entre em contato com o Suporte e inclua a captura de tela e o arquivo de log em seu relatório.


If the error Error during key initialization <Error importing keys to Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys\ directory in ProgramData: Access is denied. (5)> RunAS Migration failed occurs while running the migration command, navigate to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys. Then right-click on the MachineKeys folder and select Show more options > Give access to > Specific people. Select Everyone with Read/Write access. Then select Share.

Etapa 3: atualize para o Server 2023.1


  • Antes de atualizar, faça uma cópia de backup do seu banco de dados do Mongo e do RuntimeSettings.xml . A criptografia executada durante a janela de manutenção não é reversível. O backup protege sua instalação contra perda de dados ou tempo de inatividade adicional.

  • O progresso da migração não é visível durante a atualização 2023.1.

  • Para obter mais informações sobre a atualização, acesse Instalar ou Atualizar o Server .

  1. Download Server 2023.1 from

  2. Run the installer. Select Yes to continue the upgrade.

  3. Accept the License Agreement.

  4. Choose your installation path or accept the default path. Then select Next.

  5. Select Install to start the installation (upgrade).

  6. When installation is complete, select Configure Server Now, then select Finish.

  7. After the installation of Server 2023.1 is complete, select the Begin Backup and Migration option.

  8. After successful migration, select OK.

Note: After installation, there might be a delay in starting the service.

Next Steps After Installation

Alteryx System Settings opens. Navigate through System Settings to check that your settings are correct. Then select Finish and Done to start the service.

Once the service starts, Server enters maintenance mode to migrate RuntimeSettings and the database values that could not be migrated beforehand. During the maintenance mode, your Server instance will be unavailable.

The Migration Prep tool does a final check for database changes since the last run. Then it performs the migration (including any newfound changes) and moves the staged migration into use.

This final migration might take several hours. The time depends on the size of your configuration and if the Migration Prep Tool was run before the upgrade. Once this process is complete, Server will exit the maintenance mode and enter a functional state.

Solução de problemas

Se o serviço for desligado após um período, verifique os seguintes registros de erros de migração:

  • LastStartupError.txt

  • AlteryxServiceMigrator_#.log foi criado pela ferramenta de preparo para migração

  • AlteryxServiceMigrator_#.log foi criado durante o início do serviço

Se forem encontrados erros de migração, tente reiniciar o AlteryxService. Depois de tentar reiniciar o AlteryxService, o problema pode ser resolvido. Se o problema persistir, colete os logs e entre em contato com o suporte ao cliente para obter assistência. Dependendo dos erros, tentar reiniciar o AlteryxService pode resolver o problema, pois ele tentará novamente qualquer etapa de migração incompleta.

Etapa 4: valide o sucesso da migração

Para validar se a ferramenta de preparo para migração foi concluída com êxito, siga qualquer uma das opções a seguir.

Validar o log da ferramenta de preparo para migração

  1. Navegue até C:\ProgramData\Alteryx\Service\ .

  2. Abra AlteryxServiceMigrator_#.log .

  3. Analise o log para ver se há mensagens de erro ou falha. Procure o status 3 exibido como ' ;3; ' no log.

Validate the Service Start Log

  1. Navigate to the logging folder set by Alteryx System Settings > Controller > General > Logging.

  2. Open AlteryxServiceMigrator_#.log.

  3. Review the log for error or failure messages. Search for status 3 displayed as ';3;' in the log.

Validação pós-atualização para 2023.1 (após a migração final)

  1. Faça login no Server por meio do URI da Web.

  2. Verifique o seguinte:

    • Você pode executar manualmente os fluxos de trabalho e os aplicativos.

    • Os agendamentos estão ativos e em execução com os resultados esperados.

    • Você pode visualizar, editar, criar e usar credenciais do fluxo de trabalho.

    • Você pode visualizar, editar, criar e usar conexões de dados do Server.

    • Recupere um pacote de fluxo de trabalho da API, importe esse pacote para o Designer e execute o fluxo de trabalho no Designer.