What's New in Connect 2023.1
Version: 2023.1
Release Date: May 17, 2023
See the complete Connect 2023.1 Release Notes.
The 2023.1 release brings the following enhancements:
Smart Notifications and Activities Center
Added Activities Center, where you can view smart notifications created for any user. Admins can view all notifications created for admins and all end users. Users can see only notifications about entries for assets they are subscribed to.
To access your notifications, go to the dropdown menu in the upper right corner of the user interface and select Activities Center. Additionally, you can set whether you want to receive an email digest daily, weekly, or monthly. You can also choose whether you want to receive notifications about your assets only or about those you are not subscribed to.
For more information about this feature, visit to the Activities Center help page. To set up the notifications and the Activities Center, go to the Maintenance help page.