Use an Analytic App to execute a workflow of your own data and parameters, without having to open the workflow itself. Analytic Apps allow you to design a user interface for running your workflows, where users can input values that update parameters inside the workflow. Save an app as a YXWZ file to run it in Designer, or upload and run it in a Private Server.
For more information on how to build and run an app in Designer, go to Analytic Apps.
If you upload an XLSX file via the File Browse tool, files larger than 200 MB might cause performance and loading issues.
When you run an Analytic App, the option to name the job, set the priority, and assign a worker appears in a pop-up window after you select the Run button. To confirm the values you entered in the Run window, select Run. An interactive interface loads for you to enter values in various fields.
Only one app.
You are prompted to enter values for fields configured for this app, such as Text Box, File Browse, or Map Input.
You can have multiple tabs for a non-chained app and navigate back and forth between tabs.
To confirm the values and run the app, select Run on the last tab.
Use the Re-Run option to update the values already entered for the app that you have run. This option is only available for the last job run for workflows and analytic apps. Please note that if you refresh your browser, the Re-Run option will no longer be available. The Map Input also doesn’t keep the information when you use Re-Run.
The Schedule option schedules the Analytic App. The Analytic App runs as configured without prompting for questions, behaving the same as when it is run in Designer using the Run Workflow button instead of the Run as Analytic App button.
If you want the results of one workflow to be used in a second workflow, then you can chain two or more apps together.
You can navigate back and forth between tabs within each Analytic App and edit the information on those tabs. However, you can’t navigate back to a previous app and edit the values if there are multiple chained apps because that app has already been run.
The Re-Run option is not available for chained apps.
The Schedule option schedules the first Analytic App in the chain. The Analytic App runs as configured without prompting for questions, behaving the same as when it is run in Designer using the Run Workflow button instead of the Run as Analytic App button.
For more information on how to use chained apps, go to Chained Alteryx Analytic Applications Community article.