Alteryx Designer-FIPS version 2022.1 was the first release of Designer that offers a FIPS 140-2 capable option for customers that require FIPS compliance. Please note that FIPS standards are developed by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for use by US government agencies and contractors. For more information about FIPS, go to the NIST FIPS FAQ page.
The general (non-FIPS) release version of Alteryx Designer is not FIPS capable. A separate release (and installer) is available under separate license terms, for our FIPS 140-2 customers.
If you've previously used Alteryx Designer, you might notice that certain tools and features are either unavailable or offer limited functionality with the Alteryx Designer-FIPS 2022.1 release.
Over time, we plan to make many of these tools and features available again in future Alteryx Designer-FIPS releases.
Alteryx Designer-FIPS empowers data analysts with data prep, blending, and analytics solutions—with drag-and-drop capabilities that speed up every step of the analytic process. You have access to many of the great features typically available in Designer, with some limitations that we’ve noted on this page.
Alteryx Designer version 2024.2 offers separate GA and FIPS 140-2 capable products. For more information about FIPS, go to the NIST FIPS FAQ page.
The general release version of Alteryx Designer is not FIPS capable. A separate release (and installer) is available under separate license terms, for our FIPS 140-2 customers.
Please note that certain tools and features might be limited or unavailable in Alteryx Designer-FIPS. Over time, we will continue to evaluate which tools and features to make available again in future releases.
You can read about the differences below and at Alteryx Designer and FIPS: Tool Differences.
Alteryx Designer version 2024.1 offers separate GA and FIPS 140-2 capable products. For more information about FIPS, go to the NIST FIPS FAQ page.
The general release version of Alteryx Designer is not FIPS capable. A separate release (and installer) is available under separate license terms, for our FIPS 140-2 customers.
These features released as part of the GA 2024.1 release are not available via the FIPS-capable release.
The Marketplace Add-Ons feature released as part of the GA 2024.1 release is not FIPS capable.
Please note that certain tools and features might be limited or not available in Alteryx Designer-FIPS. Over time, we will continue to evaluate which tools and features to make available again in future Alteryx Designer-FIPS releases.
You can read about the differences below and at Alteryx Designer and FIPS: Tool Differences.
Alteryx Designer version 2023.2 offers separate GA and FIPS 140-2 capable products. For more information about FIPS, go to the NIST FIPS FAQ page.
The general release version of Alteryx Designer is not FIPS capable. A separate release (and installer) is available under separate license terms, for our FIPS 140-2 customers.
Please note that certain tools and features might be limited or not available in Alteryx Designer-FIPS. Over time, we will continue to evaluate which tools and features to make available again in future Alteryx Designer-FIPS releases.
You can read about the differences below and at Alteryx Designer and FIPS: Tool Differences.
Alteryx Designer version 2023.1 offers separate GA and FIPS 140-2 capable products. For more information about FIPS, go to the NIST FIPS FAQ page.
The general release version of Alteryx Designer is not FIPS capable. A separate release (and installer) is available under separate license terms, for our FIPS 140-2 customers.
The Cloud Execution for Desktop feature released as part of 2023.1 Patch 1 is not FIPS capable.
Please note that certain tools and features might be limited or not available in Alteryx Designer-FIPS. Over time, we will continue to evaluate which tools and features to make available again in future Alteryx Designer-FIPS releases.
You can read about the differences below and at Alteryx Designer and FIPS: Tool Differences.
Alteryx Designer version 2022.3 offers separate GA and FIPS 140-2 capable products. For more information about FIPS, go to the NIST FIPS FAQ page.
The general release version of Alteryx Designer is not FIPS capable. A separate release (and installer) is available under separate license terms, for our FIPS 140-2 customers.
Please note that certain tools and features might be limited or not available in Alteryx Designer-FIPS. Over time, we will continue to evaluate which tools and features to make available again in future Alteryx Designer-FIPS releases.
You can read about the differences below and at Alteryx Designer and FIPS: Tool Differences.
With the release of Alteryx Designer-FIPS 2022.2, you now have access to several features that were not available via the Alteryx Designer-FIPS 2022.1 release.
The features listed in the 2022.1 Release section below continue to be unavailable or have limited functionality unless otherwise noted in this section.
With the release of Alteryx Server-FIPS 2022.2, you now have access to these options via Designer-FIPS 2022.2:
Open a workflow from Server FIPS.
Save a workflow to Server FIPS. Note that the Lock Workflow feature is not available in Designer-FIPS and thus is not an option via the Save Workflow modal.
Add a new Server FIPS connection via Designer-FIPS.
Access System Settings via Designer-FIPS. Go to Options > Advanced Options > System Settings.
Schedule workflows. Go to Options > Schedule Workflow.
Synchronize DCM between Server and Designer-FIPS in the Connection Manager. Go to Designer > File > Manage Connections to open Connection Manager and select Synchronize in the menu.
The Python SDK is now FIPS-capable.
The Python SDK version 2.1.0 is FIPS-capable as delivered when used with Designer or Server FIPS version 2022.2. However, you must install and use it as such to maintain FIPS operation.
If you choose to add modules or dependencies to your SDK integrations, it's your responsibility to determine whether those modules and dependencies are themselves FIPS-capable or if they could jeopardize your system’s overall FIPS posture, for instance by providing access to cryptographic primitives implemented someplace other than within the logical boundary of a NIST CMVP-certified cryptographic module.
These features are not available as part of the Alteryx Designer-FIPS 2022.1 release:
These Analytic Apps are not available:
Calgary: Create Link Between 2 Tables
Data Statistics
The ability to Download Predictive Tools via the Options menu is not available.
The Lock Workflow feature is not available.
The Hide option for Password Encryption is not available.
The Send tool usage data for Customer Experience/Improvement program option in User Settings is disabled and not available.
The Schedule Workflow and View Schedules options in the Options menu are not available. The Add Workflow to Schedule action (on the canvas) is also not available.
Access to System Settings is not available.
Designer interoperability with Server:
The ability to open a workflow from Server is not available.
The ability to save a workflow to Server is not available.
The ability to add a new Server connection via Designer is not available.
The ability to add a Promote connection is not available.
The option to Manage Connect Credentials is not available.
Designer interoperability with Alteryx Platform:
The Manage Alteryx Links feature (linking Designer to Alteryx Platform) is not available.
The ability to open a workflow from Platform is not available.
The ability to save a workflow to Platform is not available.
Licensing features are not available as part of the Alteryx Designer-FIPS.
The Manage Licenses window is not available.
The option to Connect to License Server is not available.
The option to View Partner Data License Manager is not available.
The Backup and Restore feature is not available.