Use the Input Data tool to select one or more data files stored within a Gzip (*.gz, *.tgz) file. These file formats can be read from a .gz, or a .tgz file and extracted to a temporary location on your hard drive:
.cydb, .dbf, .kml, .grc, .grd, .qvx, .sas7bdat, .sav, .sz, .xlsm, .xlsx, .xlsx (legacy), .xls, .xml, .avro, .csv, .json, .yxdb
If the files being extracted exceed 2GB, select the Allow Extraction of Files > 2GB from the Input Data tool's Configuration window.
Designer supports a 15 to 1 compression rate for the Gzip layer. Verify that you have 15 times the compression rate. For example, if your compressed Gzip file is 1GB, make sure that you have 15GB of space available on your hard drive.
Gzip files are not supported in Alteryx Server.
Select the *.tar.gz or *.tgz file to access. Go to Input Data Tool. The Extract File window opens. Designer scans all files within the *.tar.gz/*.gz file and generates a list of discovered formats.
From Select File Type to Extract, select the format for Designer to display in the Files list. You can Select Other Files to show a list of all files found within the *.tar.gz/*.gz file, including files with no extension or an unrecognized extension, like *.txt or *.log. If you choose Select Other Files, you must select Parse Other Files As to select the format to use when parsing the selected files.
Under Select Files, select one or more files to bring in to Designer.
You can select multiple files, but Designer can only parse the files in a single format.
When you select multiple files, Designer uses the first file to determine the schema (number of fields, data types, etc.). For subsequent files, Designer performs this validation:
If the number of fields is not equal, the file is skipped and a warning is generated. If equal, the next check is performed.
If the data types are not equal, the file is skipped and a warning is generated. If equal, the next check is performed.
If the field names are not equal, the file will still be read, but a warning is generated.
Select Open.
Select the *.gz file to access. Go to Input Data Tool for more information. The Extract File window opens.
Select the type of file to parse from the dropdown.
For Excel files you are prompted to select the sheet or range of the file to parse.
Select Open.