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Green icon with outlined shape.

This tool takes any polygon or polyline spatial object and expands or contracts its extents.

Green shape with navigation pointer flag in the middle.

The Create Points tool creates a point-type spatial object using latitude and longitude.

Green icon with measuring device inside.

The Distance tool helps to calculate distances using many different methods.

Green icon with target and plot points inside.

Identify the shortest distance between spatial objects in one file and the objects in a second file.

Green icon with a shape outlined in another shape that is the same general shape as the first.

This tool decreases the number of nodes that make up a polygon or polyline.

Green icon with glob and a fire symbol inside.

This tool uses individual records to generate polygons representing heat levels in an area..

Green icon with grid pattern.

This tool takes a specified spatial object and creates a grid based on the spatial object.

Green icon with a badge and a car on the badge.

This tool creates drivetime trade areas, that do not overlap, for a point file.

Green icon with white hexagon inside. That hexagon has arrows pointing to a white circle inside the hexagon.

This tool uses spacial point objects to draw polygons or polylines in a specific sort order.

Green icon with white hexagon inside and a circle inside the hexagon. The circle has arrows pointing from it to the outer hexagon.

This tool splits polygon or polyline objects into their component point, line, or region objects.

Green icon containing a shape with smooth edges.

Uses a smoothing algorithm to round off the sharp angles of polygon or polyline objects.

Green compass with question mark in the middle

The Spatial Info tool extracts tabular information about the spatial object.

Spatial Match Icon

Establishes the spatial relationship between two sets of spatial objects.

Spatial Process Tool Icon

The Spatial Process performs high-level spatial object editing from a simple, single tool.

Trade Area Tool Icon

Creates regions around specified point objects in the input file.