Use Reverse Geocoder to coordinate latitude and longitude locations. Reverse Geocoder does this by querying and downloading data from the TomTom Reverse Geocoder API. The Reverse Geocoder tool produces a record-for-record reverse geocode result that includes formatted address fields and latitude and longitude coordinates. In addition, a summary output is produced that provides a count of records that were successfully and unsuccessfully reverse geocoded.
Use Reverse Geocoder to assign address data to a spatial object or coordinates. This information can then be used to carry out further geography-based analysis.
Access Reverse Geocoder Tool
This tool is a macro that requires a separate data install and license. To use this tool, contact your Account Executive.
On the Input tab, choose how to input the coordinates.
Single Field: Select the field that contains the latitude and longitude separated by a comma. For example: "-37.1345, 145.4342."
Multiple Fields: Select the field that contains the latitude and select the field that contains the longitude.
Spatial Object Field: Select the field that contains a spatial object data type.
On the Options tab, in Select output fields, select the data to include in the geocoded (G) output.
Select Preserve input fields to output the input data stream fields from the tool. If unchecked, the fields in the input data stream are removed.
G anchor: Geocode. Displays the reverse geocoded records, which include the original data records and address fields along with the additional fields selected to output.
Field Name | Description |
FreeformAddress | Contains all parts of the address. |
StreetNumber | Number/alpha reference number assigned to the position on the street of the delivery point. |
StreetName | Name of the thoroughfare for the passage of people or vehicles that the delivery point is located on. |
MunicipalitySubdivision | Group of geographically associated streets the urban delivery point is located in. |
Municipality | Geographically associated area with a name and defined boundary the delivery point is located in or associated with. |
CountrySecondarySubdivision | Administrative division of a Country Subdivision. |
CountrySubdivision | Codes for identifying the principal subdivisions (for example, states or territories) of all countries coded in ISO 3166-1. |
Country | The country the delivery point is located in or associated with. |
CountryCode | Two-letter country codes defined in ISO 3166-1 to represent countries, dependent territories, and special areas of geographical interest. |
CountryCodeISO3 | Three-letter country codes defined in ISO 3166-1 to represent countries, dependent territories, and special areas of geographical interest. |
PostalCode | Group of characters representing the delivery point or the group of delivery points the delivery point belongs to. |
Lat/Lon Output | Coordinates for the output address. |
S anchor: Summary. Displays a data summary that includes the result and count.
Field Name | Description |
Successful | The record was successfully reverse geocoded. An address was found for the coordinates provided. |
Unsuccessful | The record was unsuccessfully reverse geocoded. An address could not be matched to the coordinates provided. |