Activities Center
Activities Center sums up all notifications created for any user and can be accessed by both admins and users. To set up Activities Center, visit the Maintenance help page.
To access all notifications, go to the dropdown menu in the upper right corner of the user interface and select Activities Center. The views for admins and users slightly differ.
Admin Activities Center
Admins can view all notifications created for admins and all end users.
You can filter notifications by the following fields: Asset, Who, Action, and Date.

User Activities Center
In the user interface, by default you can see only notifications about entries for assets you are subscribed to. To see notifications on both subscribed and unsubscribed entries, select Switch on to see Unsubscribed Entries.
You can filter the notifications by the following fields: Asset, Who, Action, and Date.

List of Events to Create Notifications
If an event is created from the list below, a notification event is created on the Activities Centre page.
Entry Created
Entry Changed
Comment Thread Created
Comment Created
Comment Changed
Comment Thread Removed
Comment Removed
Entry Removed
Thread Resolved
Thread Unresolved
ToDo Created
ToDo Removed
ToDo Resolved
Login Failed Event
Forget Password
ToDo Unresolved