The following instructions show how to generate an SSH key pair and use it as an authentication method when you connect to SFTP.
Select the Windows key and type cmd. Select Enter to open the Command Prompt.
In the command prompt, run this command:
.You can use the default name for the keys or you can choose more descriptive names to help you distinguish between keys if you are using multiple key pairs. To stick to the default option, press Enter.
When prompted, enter a passphrase or select Enter to skip this step. Repeat the process when prompted to re-enter the passphrase.
The system generates the key pair and displays the key fingerprint and a randomart image.
Note the path to the key-file, optionally the passphrase.
Drop the Download tool on the canvas.
Create a new connection.
Create a new set of credentials and select SSH key-file authentication from the list of available authentication methods.
Specify a network path to the key file and (optionally) its password.
Save the connection and read the data.
If you need to run the workflow featuring this connection on Server, make sure Server has access to key-file on the same network path.